Popular Request
By Popular Request (Arsenal Computer)(SysOptics Distribution System).ISO
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Text File
3,315 lines
!SODCHT.ZIP 20111 09-05-93 Completed Levels 1 & 2 for Sword Of Destiny
0LEM2-TC.ZIP 6363 12-08-91 Lemmings 2 Tame Levels Solution & Codes
0LEM2WIC.ZIP 6623 02-04-92 Lemmings 2 Wicked Levels Solution & Codes
1DARK.ZIP 2920 03-17-93 Hints for Alone in the Dark
1X_PAK.ZIP 188103 05-05-93 Game cheats and alterations for "X-WING" all
| in a menu format. Unzip in directory by
| itself, unzip other programs inside, follow
| Doc & TXT directions for use and placement.
2029CFLT.ZIP 17123 11-09-92 ______)\ _ _______ _ ___ _ _/(_____
| \ __/ /\ |_|| __ \ | |_| / _/| || \__ __/
| \/ I__ / \| || _/ | | |/ /__| __ | | |
| | __// /\ \ || \ \| /\| / /( (| || | | |
| | ) /_//___\||_|\_\___\_\_____\_||_| ( |
| --|/----------PROUDLY PRESENTS----------\|--
| Terminator 2029 Cheat
| 11/09/92 -Disk 1/1
2029TRNS.ZIP 7758 05-20-93 Terminator 2029 Trainer by -Network-
32_NR.ZIP 25547 05-23-93 Fs4/Aaf Plane: Airbus A320 With Northwestern
37-AF.ZIP 26725 08-01-93 FS4 Aircraft: Boeing 737 in Air France Color
37_UA.ZIP 53977 04-17-93 This is a SF4 aircraft file with two planes
3DLEVELS.ZIP 15202 05-08-93 Maps Of Wolfenstein 3-D Levels 1-10.
4DBOXING.ZIP 1316 02-10-93 4dboxing Unprotect.
4DEDITOR.ZIP 33329 03-18-91 4d Sports Boxing Character Editor (Cheat).
500DOX.ZIP 2773 09-01-90 Quick Docs for Indianapolis 500 By Elect. Arts
57_NR.ZIP 25680 05-23-93 Boeing 757 Flight Simulator For Ms Fs-4.
5TILES93.ZIP 111815 04-15-93 30 new tilesets for Nels Anderson's Mahjongg
688UNPRO.ZIP 3523 06-28-89 Access Codes For New 688 Attack Sub Game.
707UP.ZIP 26810 07-21-92 Boeing 707 Aircraft For Flight Simulator Fs4
747A.ZIP 5344 12-13-87 Corrected 747 for Yeager AFS
7GUESTUP.ZIP 1378 05-22-93 Unprotect for The 7th Guest.Open any room and
7G_DONE.ZIP 1273 06-09-93 7th Guest completed for OPEN HOUSE. Copy this
| will allow you the open house feature. This
| will not show you the final scenes, but
| will allow you
A10-DOC.ZIP 17717 11-14-89 Doc's for A-10.
A10-HOG.ZIP 30962 02-25-90 Makes better use of weapons on A-10.
A10DOC.ZIP 22647 10-21-89 Docs for A10 Tank Killer.
A10REARM.ZIP 17829 03-31-90 A-10 Tank Killer Re-arm program
A320DOX.ZIP 14295 04-09-92 Docs for A-320 Flight Fighter!
A340_3.ZIP 27247 11-03-92 FS4/AAF Aircraft: Airbus 340-3.
AAFS.ZIP 11387 10-09-92 FS4/ASD Scenery: 3 AAF Planes. An ASD
| scenery file and accompanying mode file
| which will show you the three planes which
| come with BAO/Mallard's Aircraft and Scenery
| Factory. AAF is not needed to run this: only
| the Aircraft and Scenery Designer. Brief
| documentation included.
AA_CHT.ZIP 6121 05-13-93 Arctic Adventures Cheat
| ----------------------------
| Cheat for apogge's Arctic Adventures.
| Shots & Keys - finish the game in NO time!
| if you play AA, or just collect cheats,
| then d/l it now!
ABERDEEN.ZIP 259740 07-11-92 A Great Course for Jack Nickalus Signiture Ed
ABRAMUNP.ZIP 4032 12-31-90 Unprotect Abrams Battle Tank By Dynamix
| Requires Norton Utilities. Works Great!
AB_LEVL.ZIP 30867 11-01-93 Codes for Alien Breed.
AC767.ZIP 38680 01-04-93 Air Canada B767-200 Mid Range Jet For Ms Fs4.
ACCOLADE.ZIP 1325 02-10-93 General Unprotect For Accolade Games.
ACECHEAT.ZIP 2156 06-30-92 Aces of the Pacific Cheat File Which Explains
| Which Hex Location Within a File Alters
| What Parameter in Your Career File. Allows
| Your to Edit Your Career if You Know How to
| Use Debug.
ACECHT.ZIP 4123 11-13-90 Unprotect For Space Ace.
ACEDAY.ZIP 5756 11-15-93 Aces of the Pacific/ 6 kills in one mission.
| Air force rules!
ACEDAY2.ZIP 13411 11-26-93 Aces of the Pacific - %100 skill level, 11
| kills!
ACEDOX.ZIP 3698 05-28-92 Dox to "Aces of the Pacific".
ACES_DOX.ZIP 2720 05-31-92 Quick Docs for Aces of the Pacific.
ACRB.ZIP 44352 03-09-93 ACE Control for Red Baron and Mission Builder
| ____ ___ ___________ _ ____ ___ ___
| |ULi \/ \/ \_ __| \ / |/ \/ \
| |o | | | | | || | | o| |__|o | | | |
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| |: | |: | | | || | | :|: | |: | | | |
| |__| \___/|_|__||__|__|__|\___/ \___/|_|__|
| i s p r o u d t o p r e s e n t :
ADIRON.ZIP 333092 02-12-93 Jack nicklaus signature - adirondack preserve
ADOBAY.ZIP 246268 07-18-93 Jnse Golf Course.
ADVSOLUT.ZIP 38778 08-28-89 Solution to Adventure: the Collossal Cave.
AFOX.ZIP 2108 02-24-88 Arctic Fox unp
AFS.ZIP 3098 05-06-89 Advanced Flight Simulator unp
AFT2UNP.ZIP 1930 04-06-89 Another AFT unp
AID2TERR.ZIP 38542 01-11-94 _______ ___ ____ ___ _______ _____ __ __
| |_ __|__ \ \ \ __|\ |: \| |
| |: |: __| | | |- |: | | | | |: |
| |. |. _| < _ < _ |. | < |. |
| |. |____|\ \ \__\|__|__|/\__\___| |\__|
| |__|======\__\=PROUDLY PRESENTS==|__|=<>
AIRCOM.ZIP 1849 01-07-93 Code Sheet for Yeager's Air Combat.
AIRCOMBT.ZIP 2064 07-14-92 Chuck Yeager's Air Combat Codes.
AIRDOC.ZIP 4001 10-21-90 Air Borne Ranger Docs
AIRPTS04.ZIP 23679 09-14-93 FS-4 Pilots: This Lotus format file contains
AIRTRNR.ZIP 21653 12-24-92 _______ _______________ _______ _______
| /____ // ___________ // ___ //____ /
| /\ ___// /__ // _____// / / //\ ___/
| / /\ \__/ / / // /_____/ /__/ // /\ \__
| / / \____/ / / \______/ /____// / \__/
| \/===========\/=present=\/======\/=={$9}===
| ....: AIR TRAINER :....
| ==Smokin'the competition like a j**nt'92!==
AL2TRDOM.ZIP 7418 11-22-93 ALONE IN THE DARK II +4 Save game Editor.
ALIVEF19.ZIP 9104 05-21-90 Add To F19 To Revive All Dead Pilots
ALNEDRK.ZIP 3158 03-09-93 Alone in the Dark listing of objects and page
ALONE2.ZIP 5646 08-23-93 Replacemant for book needed to play ALONE IN
ALONECHT.ZIP 19218 11-07-92 Cheat for Alone in the Dark.
ALONEFIX.ZIP 71101 04-04-93 Alone in the Dark unprotect - Really Works!
ALONESAV.ZIP 9410 06-04-93 Save game for Alone in the Dark. Start out w
| over 30000 health, over 10000 rifle shots
| An when you find the 10000 revolver shots.
ALONSLVE.ZIP 6340 02-28-93 Solve for Alone in the Dark 1993 by Interplay
ALON_CHT.ZIP 30869 01-16-94 Alone in the Dark save game cheat.
ALSAVE.ZIP 55966 07-26-93 Save games for that ever popular alone in the
| dark!.use these when your stuck!
ALWALK.ZIP 5520 04-23-93 Walk-Through for Alone in the Dark.
AMAZON.ZIP 10806 01-09-93 Solution to Amazon: the Guardians of Eden
| From Access Software, 1992.
AMB.ZIP 191084 07-03-93 Aces of the Pacific Mission Builder/Modifier
AMBERDOX.ZIP 98413 10-30-92 Dox and PCX's for the Game Amberstar.
AMBUSHQD.ZIP 4634 04-27-93 ______/\_____/\________.__________/\
| \_____ \____ \_____ | ________ \
| | _ _/| |\ \/ ___| | || _ _/
| | | \| |_\ \ \__| | || | \_
| |__|_ /__|\___/\____|___ /|__|_ /
| <========\/======>CRACKED!<==\/======\/====>
| Ambush at Sorinor
| Quick Docs
| Disk 1/1
| <==========================================>
AMZONSOL.ZIP 5810 01-06-93 Solution to Amazon Adventure Game.
ANARCHY.ZIP 10038 03-18-91 Hints for You Cheaters for About 118
| Comercial Games, a Must Have for Those of
| You Who Like to Cheat.
ANC_MAP1.ZIP 8175 07-15-92 All Maps for Ancients I: the Deathwatch
| Program That Made Them Also Included.
ANDROPO2.ZIP 8205 04-25-93 Battles of destiny custom map.
ANOTHER.ZIP 5772 06-26-92 Solution File for Another World (Itialian!).
ANYLEVEL.ZIP 18325 07-02-90 This Will Allow You to Play Prince of Persia
| at Any Level With More Time and Life.
AOW-UNP.ZIP 1200 04-16-90 Ancient Art of War unp
APOGEECT.ZIP 12237 04-05-93 Apogee Game Cheat Keen And Cosmo.
APOGTIL.ZIP 10879 05-22-93 Tileset for Nels Anderson's EGA Mahjongg
| Tile Matching game. This is a set based
| on Apogee Software! Covers from Dark Ages
| to Monster Bash! If you're a fan of Nels'
| Mahjongg game, and Apogee Software, this
| tileset is a MUST for you!
APTGT.ZIP 13553 09-06-93 Aces of Pacific utility that makes the
| "target area" of each plane smaller, making
| them as difficult to hit as in real life!
| Also places the engine fire graphics on the
| engine instead of the
ARCADECH.ZIP 7803 02-19-93 A text file on how to cheat arcade games.
ARCHCODE.ZIP 2389 09-11-91 Remove Code Sheet Copy Protection From
| Archipeligos.
ARIZONA.ZIP 161751 08-19-92 An extra Golf course for Jack Nicklaus Golf n
ARK2CHT.ZIP 1888 07-25-89 Unlimited Men for Arkanoid 2.
ARMCHFLT.ZIP 9149 12-05-92 Cheat for Armour-Geddon
ASSASIN.ZIP 66117 01-13-93 Targeting Program for Galactic Empire.
ATNRZDOX.ZIP 3763 05-26-92 Complete Docs for the Game: A-Train.
ATPTXT.ZIP 4040 01-07-91 Docs to Atp Sublogics Air Transport
| Simulator
AUTODUNP.ZIP 2489 08-18-91 Unprotect For An Old Game Autoduel By Origin.
AWRLDCRK.ZIP 24081 04-09-92 Another World Unprotect. Phoenix.
AWWV10.ZIP 80362 06-19-93 (c) DIGITAL Alchemy All Rights Reserved.
| 'Adventure Writer For Windows Map Viewer' (AW
| be used to view and print maps for use with v
| war and roleplaying games. Complete ordering
| information is provided in the README.TXT fil
| Requires Win 3.0 or greater to operate.
AW_SOLVE.ZIP 5162 04-15-92 Another World - Full Solve.
AXEL1L.ZIP 34134 05-31-93 Saved Game in Lunar Command.
AXE_UNP.ZIP 1952 04-10-91 Unprotect For Golden Axe.
AZTECTRN.ZIP 6008 05-06-91 Gold of the Aztecs Trainer & Hints.
B17CHT.ZIP 4444 08-26-92 B17 Bomber Cheat
B17_ED.EXE 32757 07-30-93 Micro-Prose's B-17 Saved game editor...
BAALCHT.ZIP 2353 09-24-89 Cheat for Baal
BAALCHT2.ZIP 3428 10-01-89 Another Cheat for Baal
BANE.ZIP 3916 01-30-91 Unprotect For Wizardry Vi.
BANEMAP.ZIP 62446 10-30-92 World Map for Wizardry 7 - GIF and PCX
| Format.
BANKS.ZIP 291349 02-02-93 Jack nicklaus signature - stone bank gc.
BARDHELP.ZIP 3278 10-24-88 Advanced Characters for Bard's Tale I
BARGAMES.ZIP 16846 12-10-89 Bargames unp
BARIAN.ZIP 14023 05-01-89 Docs for Barbarian
BARIS693.ZIP 279542 08-11-93 6/01/93 update/bug fix for Buzz Aldrin's Race
| by Interplay
BARON5.ZIP 27159 05-05-93 FS4/AAF airplane: Beech Baron D55. The
| Baron is an excellent aircraft model to fly
| the AAF adventures, approach sim's, etc.,
| because of it's stable 130 knot cruise and
| decent slow-speed manners.
BARTCHT.ZIP 3571 11-25-91 Improved Cheat for Bart's House of Wierdness.
BARTON2.ZIP 9361 11-10-92 More Challenging Rounds For Links 386 Pro Pla
BASHAN.ZIP 1725 08-26-93 Hi Mr. Anderson!
| My name is Andrew Chan and this lake, Bashan
| central Connecticut. I hope that you, and oth
| enjoy this lake!
BASHCHT.ZIP 10637 04-28-93 Cheat For Monster Bash
BASHSAV.ZIP 7035 04-12-93 Save games for every level of Apogee's game
| "Monster Bash" - also includes some icons I
| captured so you can decorate your desktop.
BASHSAVE.ZIP 7035 04-12-93 Save games for every level of Apogee's game
BASHTRNR.ZIP 14009 04-13-93 Monster Bash Trainer And Cheater
BASH_CHT.ZIP 37479 04-14-93 Cheat for the game Monster Bash.
BATLCHS2.ZIP 1928 01-15-89 Unprotect For Battlechess
BATLTECH.ZIP 8054 08-15-93 This is a Quatro Pro 4.0 Spreadsheet for desi
BATM_UNP.ZIP 2126 03-07-90 Unprotect Data East's Batman.
BATTRAIN.ZIP 3889 01-02-93 Batman Returns -=uniq=- Trainer.
BAYHILL2.ZIP 3100 10-12-92 More Challenging Links 386 Pro Players!
BAYRISCH.ZIP 293261 09-27-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature-Bayrischesberg. Berg.
BC031493.ZIP 7271 03-14-93 Links386 pro recorded games from barton cree.
BC082693.ZIP 21741 06-08-93 10 Links386 Pro recorded games from Barton Cr
BC2CODES.ZIP 2462 04-19-91 Copy-Protection Codes For Battle Chess II:
| Chinese Chess.
BC2UNP.ZIP 1561 01-02-91 Battle Chess II Unprotect
BC4C_TDT.ZIP 2046 01-08-93 Fix for Battle Chess 4000
BCLACE.ZIP 298833 11-13-92 Beaver Creek Lace Course for JNSE
BCUNP.ZIP 2372 08-13-89 A Corrected Unprotect For Battle Chess.
BCVGACGA.ZIP 2113 11-07-91 Unprotects For Battle Chess New Vga/Cga Vers.
BD2CEDIT.ZIP 26508 08-27-92 BARD'S TALE II Character Editor Change class,
BDPRIVDA.ZIP 35452 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
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| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ THE BEST DAMN .......] │
BEARCAT.ZIP 25808 09-26-92 FS4 Grumman F8F-2 Bearcat WWII-era carrier-ba
BEASTCHT.ZIP 3329 06-14-90 Altered Beast Arcade Cheat.
BEASTDOC.ZIP 2352 03-18-91 Docs for Altered Beast.
BEEG_UNP.ZIP 16242 02-10-93 Collection Of Unprotects For Various Games.
BEHOLDER.ZIP 16053 03-03-91 Unprotect For Eye Of The Beholder.
BH082893.ZIP 9484 08-29-93 Links 386 Pro Foursome at Bayhill Club
BH082993.ZIP 22616 08-22-93 10 Links 386 Pro Recorded Games From Bayhill
BH1942.ZIP 1462 03-24-90 Battle Hawks 1942 unp
BHUNP.ZIP 1995 04-11-89 Unprotect for Battlehawks, 688, Ad. Flight t
BILLFIX.ZIP 5024 01-31-91 Fix for Bill Elliot's Nascar!
BIO1CHT.ZIP 9070 08-11-93 Cheat for Bio-Menace 1
BIOHINTS.ZIP 1889 10-25-93 Txt file describing the secrets in the Bio
| Menace game 1993 by Apogee
BISMARK.ZIP 56012 01-10-94 Wolf Freaks! 21 New Levels for ID's Spear Of
| took lots of time on this one! game adjunct.
BJONES.ZIP 139249 09-15-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Bobby Jones.
BLAKECH2.ZIP 18178 02-17-94 A Cheat for Blake Stone
BLAKEMAP.ZIP 43536 12-13-93 ░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░ Blake Stone Floor Maps! ░▓░▓░▓░▓░
| ▓What's better than gold? Floor maps to find▓
| ░that gold! Use these BMP files to find your░
| ▓way to the finish. Now you can end the game▓
| ░in victory and get some work accomplished!!░
| ▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░ REQUIRES ▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓
| ░BMP viewer & Apogee's Blake Stone <Duhhhh!>░
| ▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓░▓
BLAKMP10.ZIP 65408 12-12-93 Blake Stone mapping utility v1.0. Special
| configuration file lets you change all
| characters used on the maps. Creates ascii
| text files which can be printed out. Shows
| items, enemies, and secret
BLDHELP.ZIP 11288 01-02-94 Tips and help for Bloodstone. NOT a solve!
| Downloaded directly from Mindcraft BBS.
BLFY0726.ZIP 2975 07-26-93 A good day at The Belfry Links386 Pro golf co
BLODWOLF.ZIP 350713 08-10-93 A VSWAP.WL1 file to make the first level of W
BLOODDOC.ZIP 6876 10-16-88 Docs for Captain Blood From Mindscape.
BM10TRN.ZIP 29737 08-03-93 Trainer Module for Bio Menace v1.0,
| including god, warp and JUMP modes!
BM1_WLK.ZIP 4394 08-11-93 Bio-Menace Episode #1 Walk-Thru.
BO082993.ZIP 9236 08-30-93 Links 386 Pro Foursome At Bountiful
BO083093.ZIP 22219 08-21-93 10 Links 386 Pro Recorded Games from Bountif
BOBFIX.ZIP 2873 05-30-91 Unprotect For Their Finest Hour.
BOCFSOLV.ZIP 31347 08-04-91 Wizardry Vi Walkthrough "Bane of the Cosmic
| Forge".
BOND_DOC.ZIP 11704 07-13-89 Documents to James Bond Game.
BOPUNP.ZIP 1350 04-07-87 Balance of Power unp
BOPUNP11.ZIP 1703 07-22-88 Unprotect for Balance of Power version 1.10
BOREF.ZIP 19254 11-17-85 Documentation for Boosters.ARC
BOULDRSE.ZIP 321743 10-15-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Boulder Canyo
BOUNT2.ZIP 5026 10-28-92 More Challenging Links 386 Pro Players. For B
BOXDOX.ZIP 2577 03-09-91 Dox to 4d Sport Boxing.
BRAINCOD.ZIP 34973 11-12-91 Codes Needed to Play Castle of Dr. Brain.
BRAINSLV.ZIP 36535 11-11-91 Solve for Castle of Dr. Brain
BRAINSOL.ZIP 7036 01-30-93 Solve for Castle of Dr. Brain
BREACH2.ZIP 1957 06-23-91 Cheat Sheet for Breach 2
BREAKSE.ZIP 177554 04-14-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Breakheart Pass.
BREBYNJ.ZIP 3638 05-16-93 How to win at BRE BBS Door Game. Game adjunct
BREHINT2.ZIP 11882 07-27-93 Hints for playing and winning the door game
| BRE. Should be a great help to all. Baron
| Realms Elite.
BRNTMILL.ZIP 324167 06-29-93 Jack nicklaus signature - burnt mill run gc
BS082493.ZIP 9126 08-25-93 Links386 Pro foursome at Banff Springs From t
BS20CHT.ZIP 2089 02-20-94 Internal Debug Modes for Blake Stone v2.0!
BT3EDIT.ZIP 77233 01-02-92 Bard's tale 3 character editor
BTLCHES3.ZIP 3033 01-27-89 Unprotect For Battlechess
BTMA130.ZIP 102404 05-23-93 BiF Presents... presents the newest version o
BUCKHAM.ZIP 249134 06-12-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Buchingham's Hills
BUDOKAN.ZIP 1796 12-17-89 Cheat for Budokan (Helps You Win Game)
BUMPPASS.ZIP 1140 08-10-92 Passwords for All 9 Levels of Bumpy ARCade.
BUNKER.ZIP 163677 01-04-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Bunker Hill
BUREAUCR.ZIP 7734 08-21-92 Solution File for Bureaucracy.
BWTRNS.ZIP 9466 01-15-94 Bwing Interactive Trainer SHAREWARE V1.0 by
| Network.
BYNDZORK.ZIP 6238 01-10-88 Some Docs for Beyond Zork
C17G.ZIP 27437 10-03-93 C-17 Globemaster for Flight Simulator 4.0
C2LEVELS.ZIP 11138 02-16-93 5 User Developed Levels For The Great Puzzle
C5WALK.ZIP 5132 04-18-93 Walkthrough for Challenge of the Five Realms
CAL2DOX.ZIP 5426 01-12-91 Docs for California Games 2
CALGMES.ZIP 1908 04-30-88 Unprotect California Games
CAMELHLP.ZIP 7504 06-15-90 Help for Conquest to Camelot
CAMELOTH.ZIP 7412 03-24-91 Hints to Conquests of Camelot
CAMSOLVE.ZIP 8168 04-08-90 Solve for Conquest of Camelot
CAR-UNP.ZIP 1297 07-25-87 Unprotect Where In World Is Carmen Sandiego?
CARMNTME.ZIP 1710 11-25-89 Unprotect Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego
CASCHEAT.ZIP 4102 06-28-91 Gives you 30,000$ in Castles 1 by interplay
CASTLDOX.ZIP 66087 07-03-91 Interplay's Castles Humble Docs
CASTLES.COD 1679 06-01-92 Security Check passwords for CASTLES
CASTLES.DOC 512 11-03-92 The Doc's to Castles
CASTLEVA.ZIP 1186 02-10-93 Unprotect For Castlevania.
CASTQ_A.ZIP 2326 08-29-91 Question and Answer for the Game Castle
CAS_DOX.ZIP 44069 09-14-91 Document File for Castles
CATABCHT.ZIP 8486 11-20-92 Cheat for Catacomb Abyss
CATCSAVE.ZIP 52145 09-01-93 Saved Games/Cheat for CURSE OF THE CATACOMBS
| by Froggman Software. Super power character!
CB_HINT.ZIP 7406 08-03-92 Collection of Hints for Colonel's Bequest.
CC2CHT.ZIP 3574 01-07-91 Cheat for Captain Comic II
CCCHEAT.ZIP 1418 03-01-92 Cheat Information For Apogee Crystal Caves.
CDHINTS.ZIP 68389 04-27-91 Hint Book for Cliff Diver Game By Patrick
| Farley.
CDMANFIX.ZIP 1482 05-02-91 Fixes a Bug in the Cd-Man Game.
CDOWNDOC.ZIP 4578 07-30-91 Much Improved Documentation And Copy
| Protection Codes For Crackdown By Sega
CDSCHEAT.ZIP 6121 11-28-92 Wizardry VII Character Attribute Editor
CDSLIST.ZIP 24495 11-01-92 Wizarall Character Attributes and Items
| Carried to Printer
CDSOLVE.ZIP 6221 10-08-90 Countdown Solution
CDS_ARN2.ZIP 46679 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
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| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
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| │ [ ARNiE ][ ............] │
CDS_BIOM.ZIP 75939 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
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| │ THE │
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| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ BiO MENACE ..........] │
CDS_JEO.ZIP 75730 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
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| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ JEOPARDY ............] │
CDS_MITH.ZIP 74288 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ MiRAGE THUNER .......] │
CDS_POE.ZIP 75894 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ PRiNCE OF EViL ......] │
CDS_SLVR.ZIP 99212 09-25-93 ▄
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▐██ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| ██▀█ ██▀█ ██▀▄ ██▀▄ ▀ ██▀▄ ██▀█ ██ ██▀█
| ██ ▀ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ▄ ██▄▄
| ██ ▄ ██▀█ ██▀▄ ██ █ ██ ██ █ ██▀█ ██ █ ▄▄ █
| ██▄█ ██ █ ██ █ ██▄▀ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██▄█ ██▄█
| ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▓█ ▄▄▄▄▄trained▄▄▄▄▄▄
| ▀ ▓▒ ▀
| █ [+28] OPTiONS ▒░ SiLVERBALL █
| ▄ o9/25/93 ▄
| ▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀
CENT_UNP.ZIP 1178 10-11-90 Unprotect E.A.'S Centurion Game.
CF_JIM.ZIP 7228 12-29-93 _______ _________
| +-----+ / / \ ____/
| -|CYBER|- / / / / ___/ TRAiNERS
| -|FORCE|- / /\/ / \ & FIXES! .
| +-----+ / \ / //. . . . . . . .:
| \_____ //:\___/M::::::::::::::::
| +-PRESENTS------\/-----------------------+
| JimPower [8+Trainer + ON-LINE HELP]
CGIIUNP.ZIP 17856 01-02-92 Unprotect For California Games II
CGTNPTG.ZIP 2521 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ THE 7 CiTiES OF GOLD.] │
CHEAT001.ZIP 3214 06-17-93 ---------------------------------------------
| HeliX Software Gives you 99 Multi-Zappers,
| Xterminators, and cure potions, 100%
| health, a key of each color, all scrolls,
| and ALL THE GEMS for the "radar"! Watch
| for other cheats from HeliX Software!
| CHEAT002 by Lee Sluga * HeliX Software Set
| number of bullets/hearts (0-255) in your
| save files. Small, quick, & fast. #2 in
| the game cheat series from HS.
CHEAT05_.ZIP 4116 04-08-94 Raptor CHEAT!! HeliX Software This cheat
| program will give you gazillions of $$$ to
| buy that plasma cannon you've been wanting!
CHEAT42.ZIP 72678 03-29-92 A Bunch of Menu Driven Cheats for Current
| Games.
CHEAT91.ZIP 14304 05-15-94 This is a list of 88 game cheats from 11/91
| this might give some insight to things you
| have never seen before.
CHEATDOX.ZIP 22718 05-30-92 Text File of Many Codes, Passwords and
| Hints..
CHEATER.ZIP 2088 12-08-91 Cheat For Agent
CHEATMAP.ZIP 24547 10-24-90 Quick Reference map to all levels of overkil
CHEATS.ZIP 2893 08-29-92 Hints to Super Nes & Sega Genesis Games.
CHES2100.ZIP 2013 03-19-91 Remove The Opening Questions From The Cmaster
| 2100 Chess Game...Easy.
CHIPHL.ZIP 1843 08-13-93 Text file explains chipping in links386.
CHTED300.ZIP 45336 03-18-90 Cracking Games Editor v3.00
CHTRNPTG.ZIP 2339 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ CiTY HUNTER .........] │
CITY.ZIP 148421 10-13-91 20 Cities for SimCity - From Village to Mega
CIV5UNP.ZIP 1947 05-24-93 Unprotect for Civilization thru version 5.
CIVASD.ZIP 22931 06-19-93 More Civilizations for Civilization
CIVC.ZIP 16558 01-26-92 Civilization Game Cheat
CIVCHEA1.ZIP 11717 01-12-93 Cheat File For Civilization.
CIVCHEAT.ZIP 30131 05-03-92 Yet Another Civilization Game Cheat
CIVCHT.ZIP 5910 05-16-92 Civilization Game Cheat - Add Money
CIVCRACK.ZIP 10150 01-24-92 Crack For Meier's Civilization
CIVDOCS.ZIP 45517 12-18-91 Docs for Civilization
CIVDOX.ZIP 74314 01-08-92 More Docs for Civilization
CIVEDT.ZIP 427737 09-17-93 Civilization Complete Game Editor
CIVHBIDD.ZIP 38321 07-23-92 More Stuff for Civilization
CIVHLP.ZIP 90723 04-03-92 Help & Tips for Civilization
CIVJUK.ZIP 7432 08-05-93 Put a jukebox in Civilization directory
CIVLCODE.ZIP 3009 01-14-92 The Code Sheets for Civilization
CIVSTUFF.ZIP 266185 09-27-93 Civilization Editor
CIVTOP.ZIP 5873 04-01-93 Civilization Hints
CIVV04.ZIP 162892 07-22-92 Another Patch for Civilization
CLASSIOK.ZIP 250701 05-14-93 Jack nicklaus signature - classic oaks
CLIFTON.ZIP 188961 06-26-93 Jack nicklaus signature - clifton knolls cc
CLONE20.ZIP 3036 08-06-93 An update to CLONE10.ZIP. Clones your X-Wing
CLOUDK.ZIP 6453 08-18-92 Flight Sim 4/ASD Scenery/SEE04: Cloud
| Building Tools. Coast to coast clouds on
| only 7781 bytes! USCLOUDS.SC1 will blanket
| your FS4 flying environment with multi-
| layers of randomly appearing and unpre-
| dictable SEE04 cloud polygons over the
| entire United States in one smooth
| borderless file.
CLYDECHT.ZIP 2599 09-26-92 Cheat for Clyde's Adventure Game
CLYDEEND.ZIP 2899 10-28-92 Cheat for Shareware Game Clyde's Forst
| Adventure. Allows Access to Any Level.
CM3000.ZIP 4273 02-10-93 Chessmaster 3000 Unprotect
CM3000DX.ZIP 44213 11-24-91 Docs for ChessMaster 3000
CNTDNSLV.ZIP 5491 03-21-91 Countdown Solve
COBRAMIS.ZIP 3172 12-31-92 Codes For Cobra Mission
COBRASLV.ZIP 8449 03-16-94 Solve for Cobra Mission game
COCDOC.ZIP 2200 04-05-90 Conquests of Camelot doc
CODEHUM.ZIP 1969 02-27-94 These are the codes to the 38 levels
| of the game Humans. The only one missing
| is the code for the last level.
CODES2DN.ZIP 2268 02-09-92 These Are The Codes To Pass The Game Duke
| Nukem, All Levels Are Included!
CODEX.ZIP 27138 03-10-91 Crack The Secret Code. Needs Colour Display.
COLONISE.ZIP 182039 08-12-92 Jack Nicklaus signature colonial cc.
COLORTIL.ZIP 2876 05-10-93 A fairly easy .TIL set using colors
COMANCHT.ZIP 23234 03-04-93 Maximum Overkill Cheat & Mission Editor
COMAN_C2.ZIP 22319 12-05-92 Maximum Overkill Cheat & Mission Editor
COMBAT.ZIP 1934 07-04-91 Codes for Chuck Yeagers Combat
| Simulator
COMBSCHT.ZIP 1638 12-14-92 Text File Describing Cheat Mode Built Into
| the Catacomb Abyss Game Ver 1.2
COMICDEF.ZIP 10977 04-05-93 Help Win Captain Comic. Gives Unlimited
| Lives.
| Latest version for this great hint system.
| Allows you to create your own hint systems
| for your favorite games. Only $10 to
| register. Many already compiled hints
| available. Leave GREGO a message for hint
| files to your favorite games
COM_MIS4.ZIP 34678 03-18-93 Commanche Saved Games 3 OK 1 Great
CONCRDSE.ZIP 156994 07-06-93 Jack nicklaus signature - the concord golf c.
CONQDOC.ZIP 9892 04-10-90 Conquest of Camelot, Complete Docs
CONQVI.ZIP 52759 05-21-91 Map Generation Utility for Conquest
CONR_DOX.ZIP 38247 12-09-91 Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Complete Docs
COOLRAIL.ZIP 22164 10-03-92 Pre-Saved Track Layout For Railroad Tycoon Th
COORCHR.ZIP 71134 08-17-91 Cheat for Coorperation By Vergin Mastertronic
| 1991.
COPYMAST.ZIP 30454 10-10-89 CopyMaster v2.01a Copy Almost Any Disk.
CORALC.ZIP 209405 08-10-92 Jack Nicklaus signature coral cove gc.
CORPLEV.ZIP 19413 08-12-91 Level Maps for the Game "Corporation".
COSCHEAT.ZIP 1640 05-10-92 Cheat/Debug Info For Cosmos Cosmic Adventure.
COSMOCHT.ZIP 8739 04-07-92 5000 Health Points In Cosmo 1 Game
CRACKER.ZIP 20750 04-23-87 Cracker V1.0 disassembler
CREPSPW.ZIP 2112 04-21-93 Pass Words For Creepers Levels
CRESHAWK.ZIP 2435 08-24-91 A Cheat for Crescent Hawks Revenge
CRIMENEW.ZIP 27672 01-04-91 Unprotect For The Updated Crime Wave Version
CRIME_WV.ZIP 2387 09-10-92 Crime Wave Unprotect And Cheat.
CROSS2.ZIP 61394 10-04-93 Crosstik is a tool that helps you SOLVE
| acrostic puzzles. You simply enterthe length
| of each quote word and the box numbers in
| each clue word and start solving. This
| program is a way to save wear and tear on
| your paper and eraser.Written by: Peter
| Kurrasch
CRUSCODE.ZIP 1648 09-10-91 Copy Protection Codes For Stellar Crusade
CSMO2CHT.ZIP 8775 05-08-92 Cheat For Cosmo'S Cosmic Adventure ][
CSMO3CHT.ZIP 8775 05-08-92 Cheat For Cosmo'S Cosmic Adventure ]I[
| _________ ______________ __:__________
| / ______ \/ _ \ _ ____ \/ | \___ /
| / |__/ | \ | \/ \ | \ | / / /RD
| \_____\_____/ |__/\_ /_____/\___/\__\ \_
| +----------:---' \/---------|------\__/+
CUTSHOOT.ZIP 329643 12-24-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature-Cut & Shoot Golf Ranc
CWUNP_20.ZIP 1742 04-30-90 Unprotect "Crime Wave"
CW_.ZIP 278473 11-01-91 Unprotect Hundreds of Games & Programs
CW_UNP.ZIP 2953 01-03-91 Unprotect "Crime Wave" From Access Software.
CYBCHFLT.ZIP 5233 09-17-92 Cheat for Cyber Empires Unlmtd $
CYBERSOL.ZIP 89551 02-06-93 This is a Comlete Solve/Walkthru for
| Cyberflt.ZIP. .GIF Files of Maps Are.
C_130.ZIP 2230 01-25-88 Plane for Yeagers AFS
C_141.ZIP 31230 05-19-93 C-141 AIRCRAFT SIMULATOR v1
| C-141 Aircraft For Microsofts Flight
| Simulator Version 4. Pretty Realistic
| Looking And Handles Like a Heavy Aircraft.
| In Delta Colors... Requirs Flight Simulator
| Version 4 And Aircraft and Scenery
D2-TRAIN.ZIP 11176 12-09-93 Trainer for Dune 2 by WestWood
D210TRN.ZIP 27154 12-01-93 Trainer Module for Duke Nukem II v1.0,
| (Shareware Version) including god,
| warp and weapon modes!
D2_TRAIN.ZIP 11176 06-08-93 Trainer for Dune II.
DAP10.ZIP 30200 08-03-93 Game Unprotection from Brazil, Covers 56
DARESOLV.ZIP 2260 03-16-93 A complete solution to Dare To Dream by EPIC
DARKHINT.ZIP 6619 01-23-93 Hints & Cheats for Alone in the Dark.
DARKTERR.ZIP 684051 10-04-93 ___________ _____ _ __ ____ ___ __ __ _
| /__ / ___/ __ | | \ __\ \_ \ \/ \
| \ / / /__ / /_/ / / /\ \ \ /\ \ \ \
| / / __// __ \ \ __ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \
| /_/_____/__/ \__\__\ \__\__\__\ ____\__\__\
| \_\_____\/\_\_/\__\__\/__/__/__//_____/__/__/
| <====/\=====PROUDLY PRESENTS====/\====>
DARKWIN.ZIP 279222 11-10-93 Dark Sun solve in Windows 3.1 Write format
| Complete with embedded maps
DARK_UNP.ZIP 1959 06-12-92 Unprotect for DarkSeed
DASH8.ZIP 62204 10-26-92 Two Slick Airplanes For Flight Simulator 4.0
DAS_UNP.ZIP 2576 09-30-92 Program To Automatically Deprotect Disney
| Animation Studio
DATAEAST.ZIP 8463 05-02-89 Run Dataeast Games From Hard Drive
DAVETRNR.ZIP 60022 06-20-93 |\____)\ __.__/(____/(__|\____)\
| \_ \/ \_ / \ \ The Blade
| |_ + _/| + | / /| + |_ + _/ Proudly
| | \| | |/ / | | | \ Presents!
| _| | |___| ___________/| | |_
| \____\__/ |___1911___________\__/
| =============TRaINeD!===========TT
DB091193.ZIP 21143 09-10-93 10 Links386 Pro recorded games from Dorado Be
DC8.ZIP 27211 11-07-92 Fs4/Aaf Plane: Dc8
DC_3.ZIP 3726 05-22-88 DC-3 for Yeager AFS
DDDPV11E.ZIP 12081 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ THE PRiVATEER .......] │
DDD_SCED.ZIP 11788 04-21-93 ╔═══════════════════════╗
| ║ DDD presents ║
| ╠═══════════════════════╣
| ║ The ║
| ║ Strike Commander ║
| ║ Money Maker ║
| ╚═══════════════════════╝
DEADLINE.ZIP 4170 08-21-92 Solution File for Deadline
DEATHMAP.ZIP 17217 07-11-93 Seven New Levels for Wolfenstein 3D
DEMDOCVD.ZIP 26367 03-02-91 Dox for Demon's Tomb
DESERT_P.ZIP 178378 08-16-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Desert Palms
DESERT_V.ZIP 180307 08-16-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Desert Valley
DESTHNT.ZIP 6714 01-09-91 Hints for Altered Destiny
DESTINYD.ZIP 188193 11-26-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Destiny Draw
DGENCHT.ZIP 6041 10-13-91 Cheat for Dgeneration
DGENEDIT.ZIP 10934 03-08-92 D/Generation Saved Game Editor !
DGENUNP.ZIP 1302 03-29-92 A Patch for D/Generation
DIEHARD.ZIP 1672 05-15-94 Unprotect For Diehard Game
| ______________________
| /___ / \ ____/\
| \__/ / /\ / /\___\/
| / / /_/ / / / RELEASED BY
| /__/_______/__/ / THE DREAM TEAM
| \__\\______\__\/
DIPSTDMP.ZIP 24279 09-29-93 DIPLOMACY MAP Standard map of Avalon Hill's
| Diplomacy boardgame. In Postscript format.
DITKA.ZIP 43036 10-29-91 Unprotect for Mike Ditka Football
DITKADOC.ZIP 24272 10-31-91 Docs for Mike Ditka Football
DL2.ZIP 3926 08-01-91 Dragon'S Lair 2 Code Sheet
DL2CHEAT.ZIP 6782 01-27-91 Excellent Trainer/Unprotect/UnLives Lives
| For Dragon Lair 2
DL2DOCS.ZIP 2050 01-28-91 Solve for Dragon Lair 2
DL2SOLVE.ZIP 1756 01-26-91 Dragon Lair II Solutions
DL2TRAIN.ZIP 12300 01-24-91 Dragon Lair II Trainer
DL2TRNR2.ZIP 14765 01-24-91 Dragon's Lair 2 Cheat
DL2UNP.ZIP 4029 08-07-91 Dragon Lair II "Time Warp" Code To Play Game
DL3.ZIP 5389 04-09-92 Codes For Dragon'S Lair "Singe'S Castle"
DLAIRDOX.ZIP 14076 04-05-93 Dragon Lair I Dox
DLORDFIX.ZIP 11039 12-13-90 Dragon Lord - Fix
DL_HELP.ZIP 79969 10-21-92 The Microprose Game Darklands is Hard Enough
| Why Worry and Have New Characters That are
| Weak Die...Edit Character Attributes With
| This Cheat Program. No More Weak
| Characters. Can Give Them Items, Formulas,
| Saints, and Money Too. Great Little Cheater
| Program.
DM1_2CHT.ZIP 38489 02-20-94 █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▄▀█
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ ▄▀ ▀▄▀ ▀▄▀ █ █
| ┌█▀───The Cheat 3──────█┐
| │ Well, here it is! │
| │ Version 3 of DOOM the │
| │ cheat. I had to make │
| │ this because of the │
| │ NIGHTMARE levels, and │
| │ the fact that you │
| │ can't use the keyboard│
| │ codes in them. Oh well│
| │ Have fun beating the │
| │ heck out of DOOM once │
DMALT25.ZIP 32686 01-28-94 !!! DoomAlt !!!
| Adds 999 ammo, ALL weapons to your
| saved DOOM games and much, much more
| Works with the REGISTERED verson of
DMCHEAT.ZIP 17353 12-12-93 █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▄▀█
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ ▄▀ ▀▄▀ ▀▄▀ █ █
| ┌█▀─────The Cheat──────█┐
| │ Now you can have the │
| │ power and control of │
| │ this new game! Very, │
| │ very good! Inclds GOD │
| │ Mode, and More Health │
| │ and Armor, as well as │
| │ Unlimited Bullets, │
| │ Shells, Rockets, and │
| │ Cells!! Req. VGA-aNMp │
| └───────────────────────┘
DMCHEAT2.ZIP 40612 12-21-93 █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▄▀█
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| █ ▄▀ ▀▄▀ ▀▄▀ █ █
| ┌█▀───The Cheat 2──────█┐
| │ Now you can have the │
| │ power and control of │
| │ this new game! Very, │
| │ very good! Inclds NON │
| │ WHITE GOD MODE! Also │
| │ UNLIMITED AMO, extra │
| │ heath, armor, all key │
| │ cards, and all weapns,│
| │ map, and walk through │
| │ walls. │
DMFAQ55.ZIP 53477 02-25-94 latest FAQ on Doom, 2/25/94
DMPACK.ZIP 228372 04-05-93 The Complete Maps, Weapon/Armour Description
DNDGEN10.ZIP 36917 06-04-93 Dndgen- an ad&d character generator for dm's∙
DOC_UNP.ZIP 1708 12-15-91 Unprotect The 1988 Game Defender Of The Crown
| From Cinemaware
DOFDEATH.ZIP 34106 08-16-93 -=Dungeons Of Death=-
| Extra graphics for Wolfenstein 1.4.
DOGFTTRN.ZIP 4547 05-28-93 ═════· E·X·T·i·N·C·T ·═════
| DOG FIGHT 1993 MicroProse game
| See file READ.ME
DOOMED11.ZIP 30396 12-21-93 Doom Version 1.10
| Saved Game Editor Version 1.10
| Disk 1 of 1
DOOMEDIT.ZIP 23702 12-18-93 DSGEdit v1.0 - Dated December 18, 1993. This
DOOMFIX.ZIP 4631 12-15-93 Summary of DOOM Problem Fixes
DOOMKIL2.ZIP 19991 12-22-93 ╒══════════════════════════════╕
| │Doom cheat - infinite ammo│
| │all the weapons,invisible suit│
| │10000% armor, 10000 rockets│
| │ computer map. Kowabunga! │
| │ Version 2: Infinite health │
| ╘══════════════════════════════╛
DOOMMAPS.ZIP 41265 12-14-93 Maps for DOOM.
DOOMMENU.ZIP 47432 02-14-94 Access developers mode goodies in Apogee's D
DOOMPCX.ZIP 91580 12-17-93 DOOM MAPS in PCX format - levels 1 - 9.
DORADO2.ZIP 9184 11-27-92 More Challenging Links 386 Pro Players!. For
DORALSE.ZIP 152787 09-28-92 Jack Nick SE golf course
DOSUHS.ZIP 110314 06-19-93 DOS UNIVERSAL HELP SYSTEM v91a - DOS based
| gaming help system that will give you various
| levels of hints, small to large. I am
| uploading one for "Alone in the Dark". There
| are ALOT more for new/old games. Leave me
| (GREGO) a message for requests on particular
| games and I will see what I can do.
DOTTCRK.ZIP 5206 06-12-93 ______/\_____/\________.__________/\
| \_____ \____ \_____ | ________ \
| | _ _/| |\ \/ ___| | || _ _/
| | | \| |_\ \ \__| | || | \_
| |__|_ /__|\___/\____|___ /|__|_ /
| <========\/======>RELEASE!<==\/======\/====>
| Day Of The Tentacle - Maniac Mansion II
| <==============>BYTE CRACK!!<==============>
DOTTSOLV.ZIP 10524 06-21-93 Day of the tentacle Walky-thru. Game adjunct
DOX_DEEP.ZIP 2145 09-28-93 Discoveries of the Deep - Review and Quick
| Docs.
DPRODOS3.ZIP 182410 09-15-93 -= The Dprotecter V3.1 for DOS Update! =-
| -= Released 09/15/93 =-
| Now this great copy protection remover
| had been updated! Now includes a search
| and replace routine to allow for many
| more unprotects to be added. This update
| has over 35 more programs added to it,
| and many more coming! Allows you to
| print the list of unprotects to help in
| locating the game you want cracked!
| Features an easy to use mouse interface
| to navigate you through the process of
| removing the copy protection! Are you
| tired of using manuals to start a game?
| Get this program today!
DPROT92.ZIP 93614 12-18-89 Use To Unprotect 92 Different Programs
DPROTECT.ZIP 93495 09-17-90 Menu Drive Unprotects, 93 Of Them About A
| Year Old
DRAC_TRN.ZIP 34897 10-02-93 BRAM STOKER DRACULA 5 Option Trainer
DRAGON.UHS 15933 01-01-80 Hints For Rise Of The Dragon
DRAGONSE.ZIP 178615 12-17-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Dragon'S Spine
DRAKCODE.ZIP 2345 01-23-91 Code Sheet For The Game Drakkhen By Data
| East.
DREAMANS.ZIP 1673 11-11-89 Nightmare on Elm St Doc Protect Answers
DRKLND.ZIP 52832 06-27-93 Few saved games from the game Darkland. Thes
| are strong Hero's deep in the Quest.
DRMTMVD.ZIP 17212 04-09-91 Dox for Dream Team
DSAVAN.ZIP 18947 08-04-93 DSAVAN (Dennis Darland) is a character editor
| for Crusaders of the Dark Savant. You can
| also print characters to a text file. C
| source included
DSCANNON.ZIP 7869 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ CANNONADE ...........] │
DSGNTUTR.ZIP 8287 10-05-90 Hints/Suggestions for Jnug Course.
DSKLND_1.ZIP 65609 07-30-93 Fantasy scenery for FS4 and A&SD located in t
DSPOEDOX.ZIP 8827 08-12-93 █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▄▄ ▄█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| █ ████████▄▀██▄ █▀▄█████████████
| ▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀▀█▄▀██▄ █ ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| █ ▄▀▄███ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▀███
| █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄████ █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄███
| █ ███████████▀ █ █████████████▀
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| Prince Of Evil - The Manual
DSUNP.ZIP 1438 04-04-91 Remove Document Check Copy Protection For
| Dragon Strike. Dragon Combat Simulator By Ss
DSUNTRN.ZIP 20676 10-18-93 Darksun Mega Trainer(s). Trainers for |
| Original and new Patches.
DSUN_SLV.ZIP 13168 10-08-93 _______ ______ _____ ____
| <=====\ o|=/ o\| |==| o/=====>
| ......| || :__/| |..| |.'93.
| ......|----||----:--\|---:__/--|.....
| ......|_____\\______/.\_______/..≡G..
| <====[Idiot's Creations Unlimited]====>
| Dark Sun : Shatter Lands Docs + Solve
| <==============================[1/1]==>
DS_SOLVE.ZIP 5394 08-05-92 Complete Solve for Dark Seed
DTALESLV.ZIP 2587 08-31-90 Unlimited Lives in Ducktales
DTRACKCO.ZIP 1703 08-09-91 Copy Protection Codes For Death Track By
| Activision
DTRK_CHT.ZIP 32293 08-13-91 Save Game Cheat for Death Track
DUKE-CHT.ZIP 2994 01-05-92 Cheat for the Duke Nukem Game
DUKEED.ZIP 30925 10-19-92 Level Editor for Duke Nukem!
DUKESET1.ZIP 25341 04-21-93 All New Levels to use with Duke Nukem Game
DUKESET2.ZIP 30656 03-30-93 Another All New Set of Worlds for Duke Nukem
DUN2TR07.ZIP 7557 04-22-93 Dune II trainer for version 1.07.
DUN2TR10.ZIP 7071 04-17-93 Dune II trainer for version 1.0 ONLY.
DUN2TRNR.ZIP 14696 12-01-92 _______ _______________ _______ _______
| /____ // ___________ // ___ //____ /
| /\ ___// /__ // _____// / / //\ ___/
| / /\ \__/ / / // /_____/ /__/ // /\ \__
| / / \____/ / / \______/ /____// / \__/
| \/===========\/=present=\/======\/=={$9}===
| ..: DUNE ][ TRAINER :..
DUNE2AIL.ZIP 8780 07-07-93 Patch for Dune II to work with GUS "Miles"
| drivers
DUNE2MM2.ZIP 15749 12-12-92 FLT Presents - Dune 2 Money Maxxer v2.0
| by Patch ∞ FLT Cheats/Editors
DUNE2_T2.ZIP 11176 12-09-93 Excellent trainer and unprotect for dune 2
DUNELAND.ZIP 262421 06-04-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Duneland Greens
DUNHAKPW.ZIP 1751 11-16-93 Passwords for copy protection in Dungeon
| Hack, 1993 game by SSI
DVIEW096.ZIP 6707 01-31-94 DoomView beta .96
| ------------------
| Views >ALL< the graphics hidden
| away in your Doom release 1.1
| WAD file. It's a 1.0 without
| an intro screen.
| Programmed by the sysop of
| Bitstream of the Eschaton
| (708)705-7741
| USR 21.6 Dual Standard
| Demos, Programming, etc.
| Call now!!
DWPP2DOX.ZIP 5047 04-26-93 [ Prince Of Persia ][ QUICK DOX ]
| █▀▄ ▄▀▀ ▄▀▄ █▀▄ █ █ ▄▀▀ █ ▄▀▀▄ █ █ ▀█▀
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▀ ▓ ▓ ▓▀▓ ▓
| ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒ ▒
| ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▐▌▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▀▓ ▓ ▓ ▓
| █▄█ ▀▄▄ █ █ █▄█ ▀██▀ ▀▄▄ █ ▀▄▄▀ █ █ █
DW_PGDOX.ZIP 83929 07-22-93 Pirates! Gold Complete Documentation.
DW_PRIV.ZIP 12539 09-27-93 Trainer/Money cheat for Privateer.
DW_PRIVT.ZIP 9885 09-24-93 ──[ ■ D.E.A.D W.E.I.G.H.T Presents ■ ]──
| [ Money Maxxer Cheat for PRIVATEER ]
DY1946_A.ZIP 181658 03-08-93 Aces of the Pacific Patch and 1946 Planes
DYNCHEAT.ZIP 2004 06-02-93 Captain Dynamo Interactive cheat!
D_3K3TRN.ZIP 7434 02-10-94 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄┌──Three Kingdoms ]I[─┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓│ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀└02·10·94──────────1/1┘
D_AR2TRN.ZIP 9834 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ ARNiE ][ ......] │
D_BBTRN.ZIP 8615 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ Body Blows ....] │
D_BBWTRN.ZIP 7717 08-28-93 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ ┌─────Body Blows────┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ │ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ └Rel:08/28/93 Dsk:1/1┘
D_DQTRN.ZIP 9192 10-20-93 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ ┌─────Dino Quest─────┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ │ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ └Rel:08/24/93 Dsk:1/1┘
| ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
D_LSQTRN.ZIP 11842 12-19-93 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ ┌─── Laser Squad ───┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ │ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ └Rel:12/14/93 Dsk:1/1┘
D_MCPTRN.ZIP 9890 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ MCPOP: Ad. Adv.] │
D_NRRTRN.ZIP 8826 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ Ninja Rabbit R.] │
D_POETRN.ZIP 6765 08-14-93 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ ┌── Prince Of Evil ──┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ │ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ └Rel:08/13/93 Dsk:1/1┘
| -\- Spread By: SWaT'93 (8.14.1993) -/-
D_PPITRN.ZIP 8729 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ Porno-Pipe ....] │
D_RTDTRN.ZIP 4721 06-16-93 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ [ Rail Road Tycoon Delux
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ . Interactive
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ [ . . . . Trainer . . .
| P r e s e n t S
D_SFMTRN.ZIP 10918 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ SimFarm .......] │
D_SIXTRN.ZIP 10972 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ SiXX ..........] │
D_SM1TRN.ZIP 7900 01-29-94 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ ┌─── Spider Man 1 ───┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ │ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ └Rel:01/25/94 Dsk:1/1┘
D_STGTRN.ZIP 8194 01-30-94 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄┌Steg The Slug Trainer┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓│*STEG /c, systime=on*│
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀└Rel:01/30/94──Dsk:1/1┘
D_SURTRN.ZIP 5416 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [1/1] [ SURF NiNJAS ...] │
D_TRUTRN.ZIP 7598 01-29-94 █▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▀ █▀▄ █▀▄ ┌──── Trueblood ─────┐
| ▓ ▓ ▓▀▄ ▓▀ ▓▀▓ ▓ ▓ │ Trainer │
| █▄▀ ▀▀ █▄▀ └Rel:01/25/94 Dsk:1/1┘
D_XENSGE.ZIP 4731 06-02-93 Might & Magic V Save Game Editor
EARTHFIX.ZIP 1961 09-13-91 Unprotect For Simearth - Completely Removes
| The Docment Check Window For New And Loading
| Planets. Works Where Patch.Com Doesn't
EARTHUNP.ZIP 1776 01-13-91 Sim Earth Unprotect (Norton-Based)
ECO2HINT.ZIP 12701 04-29-93 Hints For The Lost Secret Of The Rain Forest
| From Sierra BBS
EDGEDEMO.ZIP 157574 11-01-93 Earthdawn character generator. Simple and
| easy to use
EFQDOX.ZIP 21356 12-20-93 Quick-Dox To The Aquarium Game
ELPLBAYH.ZIP 79001 08-26-93 Links386 Pro tournament played at Bayhill Clu
ELPLBOUN.ZIP 91203 08-17-93 Links386 Pro 2nd tournament played at Bountif
ELPLFIRE.ZIP 113183 09-17-93 Links386 Pro tournament results at Firestone
ELPLHARB.ZIP 79820 08-11-93 Our first Links386 Pro tournament played at H
ELPLPINE.ZIP 121327 09-18-93 Links386 Pro tournament results at Pinehurst.
ELPLRUL.TXT 4579 09-01-93 ELPL Rules using Links386 Pro
ELPLTRON.ZIP 68937 09-04-93 Links386 Pro tounament results from Troon Nor
ELVIRA1.ZIP 17004 08-20-92 Solution File for Elvira 1 (Adventure)
ELVIRA_H.ZIP 5560 12-10-91 Solution for the Game Elvira
ELVIRDOX.ZIP 13403 04-20-91 Elivra Docs
END_EOTB.ZIP 19629 03-06-91 End Game for Eye of the Beholder (Saved
| Game)
ENFORCER.ZIP 1295 03-16-93 This is the Best Pilot I Have Found for the
| Game "X-Wing" By Lucas Arts Inc. He Has
| Completed Most of the Missions and You Can
| Brag and Say He is Yours
ENITE3F1.ZIP 653062 06-15-93 Enigma's Nightmare III v2.0. Alternate graph
| and maps for the shareware version of
ENITE3F2.ZIP 680332 06-15-93 Enigma's Nightmare III v2.0. 2/2
EOA_CODE.ZIP 723415 04-15-93 Eye of angel codes in PCX format
EOB1MAPS.ZIP 287839 08-13-92 Maps From Australia for Eye of the Beholder1
EOB3FIX.ZIP 3884 05-22-93 Crack for Eye of Beholder 3
EOB3HNT.ZIP 9241 05-08-93 Hints For Eye Of The Beholder, Game Adjunct
EOB3ITEM.ZIP 17571 05-11-93 Item/Spell Editor for Eye Of The Beholder
EOB3MAP.ZIP 313076 05-30-93 Maps for Eye of the Beholder III, PCX format
EOB3TRN.ZIP 3932 04-26-93 TrainerCheat for Eye of the Beholder 3!
EOBCHT.ZIP 4838 03-07-91 Character Editor for Eye of the Beholder
EOBWALK.ZIP 9242 09-03-93 Complete Walkthru for Eye of the Beholder III
EOB_END.ZIP 19039 06-03-91 The End of 'eye of the Beholder'
EOTBDOCS.ZIP 2409 03-03-91 Docs for Eye of the Beholder
EOTBLIST.ZIP 3739 03-06-91 Help for the Game Eye of the Bwc2spd3.ZIP
| Wing Commander II Speech Disk#3
EOTBREF.ZIP 3607 03-02-91 Eye of the Beholder Refrence Card
EPBCHT.ZIP 9181 11-29-93 Newest Trainer For Epic-Pinball All Levels
EPCREDCT.ZIP 31465 04-08-91 Elite Plus Cheat
EPPBTRN.ZIP 6491 10-28-93 Trainer for EPIC's PinBall. Game adjunct
EP_BALLS.ZIP 13373 11-06-93 Get unlimited balls in Epic's Pinball game
ERICSL_S.ZIP 17373 01-15-93 ▄▀▀ ▀ █▀█ ▀ █▀▀ ▀█▀ █▀ █▀▄
| ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ ▀▀█ █ █▀ █▀▄
| ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀▀
| Ware Dreams Really Do Come True
| ┌─────────────────────────────┐
| │ Eric The Unready : Solve │▐
| │ 01/14/93 │▐
| └─────────────────────────────┘▐
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
ESPERANC.ZIP 224653 06-03-93 A course for j∙n∙ Signature ed
EUROWA.ZIP 16485 01-03-93 This scenario package for Harpoon NACV Design
EU_MALTA.ZIP 63581 09-14-93 FS4/AS&D Scenery of the Maltese Islands in th
EW11UNP.ZIP 3360 01-01-80 Unprotect For Easywriter Version 1.1
EWB2DOCS.ZIP 2961 10-16-91 Earl Weaver Baseball II - Spinwheel
| Protection Modified to Easier to Use Table
| Format
EWB2Q.ZIP 2883 10-07-91 Earl Weaver Baseball II Quick Keys & Code
| Wheel 07-01-1992.
EXETER.ZIP 26577 09-09-93 The Exeter Tour of Duty! You are a new
| pilot on board the Exeter. Note: This
| TOD isn't for the kind-at-heart. All
| pilots (except for a few exceptions) are
| Top Aces. There's even a mission where
| your shields have gone kaput and TIE
| fighters and bombers want a piece of
| you.
EXETER2.ZIP 27490 09-09-93 Exeter II: The Sequel! You have joined
| VF-54, the highest-ranking X-Wing squad
| in the Rebel Alliance! You'll be
| defending frigates to attacking SDs!
EXTRA300.ZIP 27837 03-21-93 This Is An Extra 300 Acrobatic Aircraft
| Designed With Aaf For Fs4. Source Included.
EX_DYN.ZIP 6691 06-02-93 ___________________________ ____________
| / ____| / | / | \ \/ | /
| / ____) \ /|_/\_/ | \ | /__|_/\_/
| \ \ / \ / \| | | / // \
| \____/|__/__/ \__/|__|___/__/\____/ \__/
| ============ P R E S E N T S : ============
| Captain Dynamo Trainer by Shadow Stalker
EX_EOB3.ZIP 4653 04-25-93 ___________________________ ____________
| / ____| / | / | \ \/ | /
| / ____) \ /|_/\_/ | \ | /__|_/\_/
| \ \ / \ / \| | | / // \
| \____/|__/__/ \__/|__|___/__/\____/ \__/
| ============ P R E S E N T S : ============
EX_FFOOD.ZIP 6756 06-17-93 ___________________________ ____________
| / ____| / | / | \ \/ | /
| / ____) \ /|_/\_/ | \ | /__|_/\_/
| \ \ / \ / \| | | / // \
| \____/|__/__/ \__/|__|___/__/\____/ \__/
| ============ P R E S E N T S : ============
| Fastfood Trainer by Shadow Stalker
EX_FLASH.ZIP 6726 04-24-93 ___________________________ ____________
| / ____| / | / | \ \/ | /
| / ____) \ /|_/\_/ | \ | /__|_/\_/
| \ \ / \ / \| | | / // \
| \____/|__/__/ \__/|__|___/__/\____/ \__/
| ============ P R E S E N T S : ============
| Flashback Trainer
EX_MM5.ZIP 4530 05-31-93 ___________________________ ____________
| / ____| / | / | \ \/ | /
| / ____) \ /|_/\_/ | \ | /__|_/\_/
| \ \ / \ / \| | | / // \
| \____/|__/__/ \__/|__|___/__/\____/ \__/
| ============ P R E S E N T S : ============
| ===========================================
EX_ROA.ZIP 6769 06-16-93 ___________________________ ____________
| / ____| / | / | \ \/ | /
| / ____) \ /|_/\_/ | \ | /__|_/\_/
| \ \ / \ / \| | | / // \
| \____/|__/__/ \__/|__|___/__/\____/ \__/
| ============ P R E S E N T S : ============
| ===========================================
EX_SOLAR.ZIP 7071 03-07-93 Gives You Unlimited Shields/Lasers/Missles Fo
F-15SE.ZIP 2868 06-03-87 Unprotect F-15 Strike Eagle
F106.ZIP 27655 08-26-93 FS4/AAF-CONVAIR F-106A "DELTA DART"
| The F-106 Delta Dart was developed from the
| F-102 Delta Dart.Originally designated the
| F-102B,it was later redesignated the F-106
| due to it's extensive structural changes
| and a more powerful engine.The F-106 served
| with the Air Defense Command as an all
| weather inteceptor
F117ADOC.ZIP 7268 08-19-91 Docs for F-117a Stealth Fighter
F117FIX.ZIP 1505 06-13-92 Fix for F117a Stealth Fighter. Remove Doc
| Check
F153NEED.ZIP 927 05-15-94 File Left Out Of The Posts Of F153tdt1, This
F15BOMB.ZIP 3719 06-14-93 F15 bombing hints
F15DOC.ZIP 72518 07-04-91 Complete Docs of F15 Strike Eagle Game
F15ED11.ZIP 37310 07-23-93 F15 Strike Eagle roster editor
F15EXT.ZIP 3674 06-14-93 F15 extreme flying mode hints
F15HLP.ZIP 4733 06-14-93 Early problems reports on F15-III
F15IRAQ.ZIP 86604 02-07-93 Maps for F15iii Iraq Scenario
F15MAN.ZIP 6486 01-22-87 MANUAL FOR F15
F15MOD.ZIP 3189 01-22-93 Improve modem play for f15seiii. Game adjunct
F15REF.ZIP 2936 04-25-93 F15 Strike Eagle III Keyboard Commands Ref.
F15WEE.ZIP 5264 12-31-92 How To Reduce The Amount Of Disk Space F-15
F15_F3.ZIP 7654 12-19-92 Some Comparisions Between Falcon 3.0 And F-15
F16UNP.ZIP 10311 02-05-92 F16 Fighter Combat Pilot From Ele. Arts Fix.
F16_CGA.ZIP 4155 01-01-80 F-16 Falcon unp (CGA ver)
F16_EGA.ZIP 4500 12-17-90 F-16 Falcon unp (EGA ver)
F19.ZIP 2043 12-13-88 F-19 Stealth Fighter unp
F19ACFT.ZIP 13813 04-13-90 F19 Aircraft Id to Enter Game.
F19ADLIB.ZIP 5466 05-12-89 F-19 Stealth Fighter AdLib driver
F19FIX2.ZIP 46484 01-24-89 F-19 fix unp from Rockland BBS.
F19ROSTR.ZIP 54519 11-14-89 Roster Editor For F19 Stealth Fighter
F1CRACK.ZIP 6005 12-03-92 /(________________________________
| \____ / _______ / _ \____ /
| | _ \ _ \/ / | \ _ \
| |___|\ \_|___/_____\______/__|\ /1 9 1 1
| ========\__\ ===== PRESENTS ===== )/========
| ============================================
F1ED13.ZIP 33512 06-04-93 World Circuit Editor update from Compuserve
F20TIGER.ZIP 1363 12-26-89 F20 tiger shark plane for flight simulator
F29FIX.ZIP 3438 09-27-91 Some Info On How To Install & Unprotect F29.
F32COO.ZIP 5526 08-18-93 Small TSR Falcon 3.0 Game adjunct F3COOLIE fo
F32PAD.ZIP 3455 08-18-93 Small TSR that adds small indicator lights to
F32PAK.ZIP 12580 09-01-93 v42 Comms & More for Falcon v3.02
F3C.ZIP 15070 12-17-91 Help for Falcon 3.
F3CAMO.ZIP 14824 06-25-93 Change F-16 in Falcon 3.01.1 To Jungle Camo
F3CHAD.ZIP 30552 08-20-93 Add Chad Theater to Falcon 3.01.1 OFT
F3CHAT.ZIP 3447 01-27-93 Chat With Falcon 3.01.1
F3COOL.ZIP 4631 05-29-93 Use the Hat Button with Falcon 3.01.1T
F3ILS.ZIP 36026 05-19-92 Falcon 3D ILS Utility
F3MAPS_D.ZIP 69930 05-16-92 Falcon 3D Mapping Utility
F3PAD.ZIP 2153 05-03-93 Falcon 3 Utility.
F3V42.ZIP 6008 10-03-92 Falcon01 Fix For Error Correcting Modems... W
F870DEM.ZIP 96904 09-14-93 "Flight 870" 1980 Ustica Disaster. Demo of co
FA112.ZIP 92958 09-27-87 Break For Flight Simulator and JET
FALC3HNT.ZIP 225747 12-22-91 Falcon 3.0 Hints - Ascii Doc File & 2 Gifs
FALCNR_D.ZIP 118155 05-15-92 Falcon 3.0 Pilot Utility
FALCUTIL.ZIP 234472 06-24-93 3 Things To Help With Falcon 3.01 - See Extr
FALFUN.ZIP 3582 07-18-92 Fun things to try in Falcon 3.0!
FALUNDOC.ZIP 1432 01-04-93 undocumented commands in Falcon 3.0(+) by Spe
FASECRET.ZIP 9490 07-26-92 Secrets of Flash Attack Advanced Tips Book
| 1st Edition Written By Danny Biegel
FBED.ZIP 124614 05-14-93 Player Name/rating Editor For Front Page
| Sports Football
FBTRAIN2.ZIP 5884 04-25-93 Cheat For Flashback
FBTRNS.ZIP 8785 07-27-93 Flashback Trainer by -Network-
FEDGRANT.ZIP 7900 01-24-90 Add any $$$ amount to your Account in SimCit
FEDOCS.ZIP 13716 10-18-93 Fantasy Empires manual
FFL91DOC.ZIP 17484 10-27-91 Docs for F117 Stealth Fighter
FIREFIX.ZIP 89785 01-14-91 Unprotect For Fire Team 2200
FIREHACK.ZIP 77657 01-23-91 Cheat for Fireteam 2200 - Cheap Equipment
FIREHAWK.ZIP 3899 10-17-90 Fixes Firehawk
FIRESTN2.ZIP 7977 11-09-92 Even More Challenging Links 386 Pro Players
FISHY.ZIP 1941 08-28-93 Basstour/Class/Duel lake. Game adjunct
FIX-LSL2.ZIP 1409 11-12-88 Leisure Suit Larry ][ unp
FIXCOMIC.ZIP 1395 03-20-92 Fix for Captain Comic Game
FIXMYST.ZIP 1184 01-26-91 Unprotect For Mystical
FIXSQV.ZIP 5374 01-26-93 Fix for Space Quest V -Razor-
FLAGS.ZIP 47459 01-14-92 A flagmaker profram for JNUG
FLASHSOL.ZIP 5814 07-05-93 Solve for Flashback
FLT870.ZIP 58130 09-08-93 "Ustica FLIGHT 870". Demo of commercial new p
FOODTRN.ZIP 5634 06-18-93 Fast Food Interactive Trainer!
FORREST.ZIP 13089 10-16-93 Map for Forrest of the Spirts, Return to Zork
FO_CRK.ZIP 2087 05-04-93 Crack for Formula One Grandprix from
| Microprose (Works not with the Link Update!)
FPFP.ZIP 8382 08-15-93 Freddy Pharkus Frontier Pharmcist UHS file
FPFPDOX.ZIP 21094 05-04-93 ===------TOP--------===
| The complete docs to
| Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist
| ----------------------------------
| ASCII Version
| --------------[1/1]---------------
FPFPHNTS.ZIP 8360 06-05-93 Hints for Sierra game FREDDY PHARKAS
FRANTRNR.ZIP 59376 01-06-93 Tranier for Frantis II
FRDOC.ZIP 18311 02-27-91 Documentation and Codes for Captain Comic II:
| Fractured Reality. Note That This is a Much
| Improved Documentation Than What is in the
| Package, More Complete, Too! Owners of This
| Game, This is a Must! the Packaged Docs
| Just are Not Complete!
FREDDOX.ZIP 22327 04-27-93 Docs for Freddy Pharkas
FREDSLV.ZIP 7458 04-30-93 Solve for Freddy Pharkas
FRED_WT.ZIP 11069 04-28-93 Freddy pharkas walk thru.
FREEGAME.ZIP 13886 11-24-91 Another Great Unprotect For Games
FRSTOKSE.ZIP 224432 06-11-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Forest Oaks
FS-MISC.ZIP 286559 05-06-93 Excellent Collection of FS4 Planes/Airports
FS091893.ZIP 9239 09-19-93 Links 386 Pro Foursome at Firestone
FS091993.ZIP 21354 03-04-94 10 Links 386 Pro Recorded Games from Firesto
FS4MOD.ZIP 24445 01-01-90 Additional Modes For Flight Simulator 4.0
FS4VOL1.ZIP 8614 12-14-90 Notes For Ms Flight Simulator 4.0
FS5INI1A.ZIP 3877 11-10-93 FS5 "Line-by-line" description of the FS5 Ini
| file (FS5.INI) Revision 1A: I have added the
FS5LST.ZIP 6349 09-21-93 Known bug list of Flight Simulator 5
FS5PR.ZIP 4973 06-07-93 Microsoft Press Releases on Flight Sim 5.0
FSLV_TZU.ZIP 47517 04-21-93 ┌─────────────────────────┐
| │ ▀▀▀▐▀ ▀▀▀█ ▐▌ █ │
| │ ▐█ ▄▀ ▐█ █ │
| │ ▐█ █▄▄▄ ▐█▄▄█ │
| │ ───Proudly─Presents─── │
| │ TZU QWIK-SOLVE(tm) for │
| │ Freddy Pharkas │
| │ Frontier Pharmacist │
| │ Released: 4-21-93 │
| └─────────────────────────┘
FSM.ZIP 118591 08-17-93 Squadron Manager for Falcon 3.02 & MiG25 1.0
FSPRO94A.ZIP 185548 10-26-90 Flight Simulator Add-on Program
FT2200TR.ZIP 1378 04-13-92 Unprotector For Fireteam 2200 - Pq Hc.
FTH_MOOT.ZIP 4923 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ MASTER OF ORiON .....] │
FTH_SIMW.ZIP 13032 10-17-93 Simon the Sorceror Walkthrough
| ─────────── [1/1] ────────────
| ██████ █████ ▀▀ ▀▀███▀▀▀ █ ███
| ██▄▄ ██ ▀███ ███ ███ ███
| ██▓ ██▀▀██▀ ███ ██▓ ██▓ ██▓
| ██▒ ██████▓ ██▓ ██▒ ██▒▀██▒
FURNACE.ZIP 304663 06-10-93 Jack nicklaus signature - furnace springs g&c
FURY_CHT.ZIP 33064 08-13-91 Wings of Fury Save Game Cheat
FUTU_SLV.ZIP 4542 09-23-90 Solution to Future Wars
F_16DOC.ZIP 12073 10-13-88 Doc File for F-16 Falcon
F_19TIPS.ZIP 5779 03-11-91 A Text File Which Shows the Keyboard Layout
| and a Few Game Suggestions for F-19 Stealth
| Fighter
GALAXCHT.ZIP 8301 11-27-91 Save Game cheat editor for Keen Goodbye Gala
GALTRN0.ZIP 8786 02-28-92 Trainer for Galactix.
GAMEHNTS.ZIP 64677 02-26-91 Hints for 26 Computer Games! Plus Cheats
GAMEOS22.ZIP 16745 01-12-94 List of settings for OS/2 for DOS Based
| games
GAMEZAPS.ZIP 17002 05-21-92 Unprotects For Many Games
GATEDOX.ZIP 21221 04-01-93 Docs for gateway to the savage frontier
GBWHEEL.ZIP 3052 04-09-90 Code Wheel for Gunboat
GEARCODE.ZIP 2482 07-25-93 Level codes for Gear works!
GEN392.ZIP 27085 03-03-92 Hints for Many Sega Genesis Games (Cheats as
| Well)
GENCHEAT.ZIP 25587 04-28-92 For Those of You With the Genesis Game
| System... This File Lists the
| Cheats/Options That the Manual Does Not
| Tell You About... Everything From Jumping
| to Every Level on Sonic to Getting the Best
| Cycle on Road Rash.... a to Z.... if You
| Have a Genesis.
GENTRN.ZIP 13073 02-13-94 [ Genesia Trainers +10 ] [1/1]
| ┌ ▄─▄ ▄─ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ┐
| ▄█ █▄ ▄█ ▓▄ ▓█ ███▓ ▄▓ █▄ █▄ ▀█▄
| ▐█▌ ▐██ ▐█▌ ▐▓▌▐▀▐██▓ ▐▓▌ ▐█▌ ▐█▌ ▐█▌
| ██▌ ▄█▀ ██▌▀█▐▓▒ ▓█▓ ▒▓▌ ▐██ ██ ▄▀
| ██▌▀ ▄ ▐██ ▓▓▌ ▓██▌▄▌▐▓▌ ▐█▌ ▐█▌▀▄
| ██▌ ▀▄▄ ▀▀▀_▄▀ ▓███ █▓ ▀█ ▀▀ ▄█▀WK █▄
| ██▄ ▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▄██
| └ ▀█████▓▒░ 1 ∙ 9 ∙ 1 ∙ 1 ░▒▓█████▀┘
GENYCOD.ZIP 13054 10-14-93 Codes and tricks for 172 games for the Sega
| Genesis.
GEODES.ZIP 14184 09-21-92 ATP Utility: Trans-Atlantic Waypoints.
| Displays the coordinates of Waypoints along
| a geodesic line in ATP between two airports
| with given coordinates. For use with
| SubLOGIC's Air Transport Pilot.
GEORGESE.ZIP 269356 07-08-93 Jack nicklaus signature - royal st georges
GG_SEGAG.ZIP 34244 05-19-93 Game Genie Codes for Sega Genesis
GIRLGOLF.ZIP 11475 10-15-92 A Collection Of Female Golfers For Use With L
GJDFIRST.ZIP 3412 07-07-93 Setup For World Circuit By Microprose
GKNTSOLV.ZIP 10029 11-30-93 Gabriel Knight Walk-Through
| From Sierra BBS
GLENWOOD.ZIP 300582 08-16-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature-Glenwood Springs Hote
GL_CORPS.ZIP 11697 09-11-93 Mj TileSet: comic book characters
GM.ZIP 74205 10-04-89 UNLock Game Master 2.01, unprotects 95 games
GMCHESS.ZIP 1618 11-25-92 Code Sheet for Grandmaster Chess
GMECH.ZIP 168254 09-29-93 Battletech Mech builder for FASA's Battletech
| board game. Includes all weapons and
| equipment through the 3050 tech manual.
| Allows design and modification of battlemechs
GNBNA.ZIP 1854 06-21-93 Unprotect For Great Naval Battles of The Nor
| Atlantic.
GOB2SLV.ZIP 8737 04-30-93 Solve for Gobliins 2
GOBCHFLT.ZIP 9986 09-19-92 Gobliiins Cheat and Help
GOBCODES.ZIP 1460 07-13-93 Codes for the game Goblins from Sierra. Go t
| any level in the game with full life
GOBHINT.ZIP 7336 08-09-93 Hint File for GOBLINS!
GOBISOLV.ZIP 8012 09-27-92 Goblin Solve
GOBLINCD.ZIP 1508 04-14-92 Goblins Access Codes
GOBLINS2.ZIP 7904 04-05-93 Games Hints for Goblins 2, Hints came from
| the Sierra BBS
GOD.ZIP 1086 03-30-93 Spear Of Destiny Godmode Cheat Text
GODFTRN0.ZIP 9069 12-24-91 Cheat/Trainer for the Godfather (Vga/Adlib
| Game)
GODMODE.ZIP 3137 06-20-92 How To Enter Debug Mode For Wolfenstein 3D
GODSTRN0.ZIP 14635 11-11-91 Cheat for Gods
GOLDRUSH.ZIP 6614 07-31-91 Solve for Goldrush By Sierra
GPUNP.ZIP 11142 11-08-88 Unprotect for Grand Prix Circuit
GREATS.ZIP 4227 12-19-92 Add some of the greats to Jack Nicklaus SE Go
GS1.ZIP 5391 01-31-88 Unprotect for GunShip
GS2000.ZIP 1982 09-29-91 Gunship 2000 Unprotect
GS2000CD.ZIP 2455 11-08-91 Codes and Counter-Codes for Gunship 2000
GS2000DX.ZIP 5882 10-14-91 Docs for Gunship 2000
GS20UNP.ZIP 2313 12-22-91 Gunship 2000 Unprotect!
GS25MISS.ZIP 31881 05-23-93 25 Missions for Gunship 2000
GS2KREV2.EXE 28353 07-30-93 GunShip 2000 roster editor
GS2KSUPP.ZIP 3955 06-12-93 SUPPLY.MIS vNone A single mission for
| Gunship 2000 for the Fire and Ice add on.
| This mission is set around the resupply of
| civilians in Bosnia-Hertzegovina.
GSINSTR.ZIP 1993 09-30-91 Gunship 2000 Instructions
GUNB-UNP.ZIP 1350 06-28-90 Gunboat unp
GUNBOATW.ZIP 2777 04-09-91 Code Wheel And Quick Docs For Gunboat By
| Accolade.
GUYSPY_U.ZIP 5080 08-19-92 Guyspy Code Numbers to Allow You to Play the
| Game if You Don't Have the Documentation.
GWIZ22.ZIP 132461 02-09-94 ░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓ GAME WIZARD v2.20 ▓█▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░
| The most powerful GAME CHEATING utility
| ever developed anywhere in the world. It
| has the ability to: search/modify/lock
| items while playing games; create
| personalized cheat files; save/load current
| game in progress; view text files inside
| games; adjust game playing speed; shell to
| DOS within games; quick exit to DOS from
| programs and much much more. It requires
| less than 10k of memory. It is fully
| compatible with 286/386/486/PENTIUM;
| VGA/SVGA; DOS 3.1+ and AdLib/Sound Blaster.
GWT_UNT.ZIP 9589 05-06-93 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ █
| █ ════════ UNTOUCHABLES ════════ █
| █ █
| █ GateWorld "The Seed Ship" █
| █ █
| █ Interactive 5 option trainer █
| █ █
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
HACKER10.ZIP 35814 03-17-94 The ultimate game cheat by WADESOFT, for
| every game that has a savegame. Full
| instructions included, Word Perfect or ASCII
| Excellent for games such as Privateer,
| SimCity2000, Might&Magic, DOOM, Wolfenstien
HACKTD.ZIP 1937 01-01-80 Unprotect Test Drive 1 From Accolade
HARBOUR2.ZIP 9580 12-13-92 More Challenging Links 386 Pro Players, Exclu
HARRYCHT.ZIP 10099 10-20-93 This program will modify all of your save
| game files for HALLOWEEN HARRY 1 (by Apogee)
| so that you will have 75 lives and 75 omegas,
| thermogrenades, photons, missles, and
| micronukes. You will also be given $25,000 to
| buy more ammo. If you don't like to start
| over a million times and just want to have
| some fun with this decent new game, cheat!
HARRYTRN.ZIP 9127 10-13-93 Trainer for Halloween Harry by Apogee. Only
| works for the Shareware version.
HAZELTSE.ZIP 219556 07-04-93 Jack nicklaus signature - hazeltine nat'l gc∙
HB3CRTDT.ZIP 4276 05-11-92 Newer Unprotect for Hardball III
HB3DOC.ZIP 28673 04-08-93 Documents For Hardball III
HB3DOX.ZIP 28685 07-03-93 The full documentation for Hardball ]I[
HBPATCH.ZIP 4657 05-06-92 Unprotect Patch For Hardball 3
HELLENES.ZIP 8879 06-12-93 Mah Jongg tiles: Greek alphabet/ Hellenism
HF_UNP.ZIP 2184 04-25-91 Unprotect for HoverForce Game
HHG.ZIP 12551 10-07-91 Walkthrough for Hitchhikers Guide - Infocomm
HINT7.ZIP 12305 06-01-92 Hints for the Game Stellar
HINTS.ZIP 6871 07-08-89 Hints for A-10 Tank Killer
HINTSCIS.ZIP 11386 10-14-93 Hints to some of the more recent games
HISTTRN.ZIP 5112 05-10-91 Cheat for Cave Man Game
HNCHT.ZIP 3857 01-17-91 Cheat File for Hard Nova
HNFXNEUA.ZIP 6818 11-07-90 Fix for Hard Nova
HNLVOR.ZIP 33850 12-03-89 A Fix For The Hawaii Scenery Disk For Fs4
HOCDOX.ZIP 27063 06-06-91 Hints for Heart of China From Sierra BBS
HOC_HINT.ZIP 6226 07-02-91 Hints for Heart of China
HOLE1UNP.ZIP 2072 12-14-91 Unprotect Hole In 1 Miniature Golf (1989)
HOLMES_S.ZIP 23344 01-28-93 Solutionscomplete walkthru for Sherlock
| holmes (The lost files)
HOVERCHT.ZIP 2896 09-02-93 Hover Force cheat and quick doc's
HOVERDOX.ZIP 6465 01-01-80 Dox for Hover Force
HQ1.ZIP 5571 08-03-92 Solution File for Hero Quest 1
HQ1DOCS.ZIP 20804 11-13-89 Documents for Heroes Quest 1
HQ2DOX.ZIP 8056 11-09-90 Documents for Heroes Quest 2
HQ2HLP.ZIP 16006 11-10-90 Hints for Heroes Quest 2
HQ2MAP1.ZIP 12179 11-26-90 Map for Heroes Quest 2
HRBTOWN.ZIP 135056 09-03-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Course: Harbour Town
HRTCHINA.ZIP 3063 08-11-92 Solution to Heart of China By Dynamix.
HSEOFWLF.ZIP 359600 07-28-93 instead of escaping from prison in wolfenstie
HUGO123.ZIP 5107 11-10-93 Walkthrough for all three hugo shareware
| adventure games
HUGO2WLK.ZIP 3632 03-11-91 Walk-Through for Hugo II
HUGOSOLV.ZIP 5230 12-10-90 Cheat Sheet for Original Hugos House of Horr
HUGOWT.ZIP 3186 04-05-91 Hugo's House of Horrors Complete Walkthrough
HULKTRN.ZIP 6940 08-09-93 Space Hulk Trainer by -Network-
HULKTRNR.ZIP 59610 05-22-93 |\____)\ __.__/(____/(__|\____)\
| \_ \/ \_ / \ \ The Blade
| |_ + _/| + | / /| + |_ + _/ Proudly
| | \| | |/ / | | | \ Presents!
| _| | |___| ___________/| | |_
| \____\__/ |___1911___________\__/
| =============TRaINeD!===========TT
HUMANCOD.ZIP 30470 11-06-92 Code Sheet For "The Humans". Better Than The
| One In Humanscd.Zip. I Eliminated The
| Handwritten Code Numbers And Replaced With
| Type Fonts; Also Cleaned Up Some Graphics.
HUMANSCD.ZIP 33417 11-03-92 Code Sheet For Humans. You Will Be Asked For
| A 4 Digit Number That Matches On Of 25
| Pictures That Were Included On A Dark
| Purple Copy Protection Sheet
HUNTCHT.ZIP 10046 02-14-91 Cheat for Hunt for Red October '91
HUNT_DOX.ZIP 9046 11-02-91 Docs for Bush Buck & Global Treasure Hunter
HVN_ERTH.ZIP 49285 12-18-92 Install Bugfix, and Win Icon for Heaven &
| Earth Commercial Game
IBERIADC.ZIP 26936 11-08-92 Dc-10 Aircraft For Flight Simulator Fs4 With
ICEMAN.ZIP 7371 07-31-91 Solve for Codename: Iceman
IMMORUNP.ZIP 1714 07-29-92 Cheat for the Game Immortal By Electronic
| Arts. Includes Certificates to All Levels
| of the Game and Final Battle Sequences
IMPCDOX.ZIP 33327 01-03-91 Docs for Imperium
IMPCODES.ZIP 1989 06-27-93 Imperial Pursuit from LucasArts - The tour o
| duty - Codes.
INCAHNTS.ZIP 6476 05-01-93 Inca Hints Game Adjunct
INCBOK_C.ZIP 2172 01-26-94 I▄██NTHEC▄██▄N▄█▄CIN▄████▄C
| ▐████JET▐████▌▐██▌I██▓▀C▀▓▌
| I▐███▌IN▐██▓██▐███▐██▌NCINC
| IN████IN██▓C██▌██▓▐█▓ROLAND
| IN▐██▓▌N███C▐███▓▓▐█▓▌NC▄█▄
| ICE█▓▓▀N▐█▓▌I██▓▓▀I▀█████▓▀
| Betrayal at Krondor Mild Cheat
INCSCC_C.ZIP 2124 01-26-94 I▄██NTHEC▄██▄N▄█▄CIN▄████▄C
| ▐████JET▐████▌▐██▌I██▓▀C▀▓▌
| I▐███▌IN▐██▓██▐███▐██▌NCINC
| IN████IN██▓C██▌██▓▐█▓ROLAND
| IN▐██▓▌N███C▐███▓▓▐█▓▌NC▄█▄
| ICE█▓▓▀N▐█▓▌I██▓▓▀I▀█████▓▀
| Sim City Classic Mild and Mega Cheats
INCSOD_C.ZIP 2523 01-26-94 I▄██NTHEC▄██▄N▄█▄CIN▄████▄C
| ▐████JET▐████▌▐██▌I██▓▀C▀▓▌
| I▐███▌IN▐██▓██▐███▐██▌NCINC
| IN████IN██▓C██▌██▓▐█▓ROLAND
| IN▐██▓▌N███C▐███▓▓▐█▓▌NC▄█▄
| ICE█▓▓▀N▐█▓▌I██▓▓▀I▀█████▓▀
| Spear of Destiny Cheat
INCST5_C.ZIP 1964 01-26-94 I▄██NTHEC▄██▄N▄█▄CIN▄████▄C
| ▐████JET▐████▌▐██▌I██▓▀C▀▓▌
| I▐███▌IN▐██▓██▐███▐██▌NCINC
| IN████IN██▓C██▌██▓▐█▓ROLAND
| IN▐██▓▌N███C▐███▓▓▐█▓▌NC▄█▄
| ICE█▓▓▀N▐█▓▌I██▓▓▀I▀█████▓▀
| Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Mild Cheat
INCUL7_C.ZIP 2512 01-26-94 I▄██NTHEC▄██▄N▄█▄CIN▄████▄C
| ▐████JET▐████▌▐██▌I██▓▀C▀▓▌
| I▐███▌IN▐██▓██▐███▐██▌NCINC
| IN████IN██▓C██▌██▓▐█▓ROLAND
| IN▐██▓▌N███C▐███▓▓▐█▓▌NC▄█▄
| ICE█▓▓▀N▐█▓▌I██▓▓▀I▀█████▓▀
| Ultima VII Mega Cheat Part I and II
INCXWG_C.ZIP 1971 01-26-94 I▄██NTHEC▄██▄N▄█▄CIN▄████▄C
| ▐████JET▐████▌▐██▌I██▓▀C▀▓▌
| I▐███▌IN▐██▓██▐███▐██▌NCINC
| IN████IN██▓C██▌██▓▐█▓ROLAND
| IN▐██▓▌N███C▐███▓▓▐█▓▌NC▄█▄
| ICE█▓▓▀N▐█▓▌I██▓▓▀I▀█████▓▀
| X-Wing Mild Cheat
INDARK.ZIP 15188 03-11-93 Copy Protection Printout for Alone inthe Dar
INDY4CDS.TXT 3509 09-01-93 Codes for Indiana Jones & Fate of Atlantis
| Fate Of Atlantis 1992 By Lucasfilm
INDYDOOM.ZIP 2937 08-15-90 Unprotect For Indy Jones & Temple Of Doom
INDYNEW4.ZIP 76687 08-18-93 Patch for INDY 500
| Provides improved Sound Blaster
| Support with 386/486 CPUs
| *******************************
INDYSAVE.ZIP 56210 08-20-93 Indiana Jones & The
INFLIGHT.ZIP 7657 02-01-93 ====================================
| Add familiar names and talents, to
| the best basketball simulation ever.
| Michael Jordan " IN FLIGHT "
| ====================================
INFOCOM6.ZIP 18953 08-26-91 Infocom Adventure Game Vocabulary List Dumper
INFOCOMV.ZIP 16989 06-30-91 Infocom Adventure Game Vocabulary List
| Dumper
INJ4SOLV.ZIP 4121 06-16-92 Solve for Indy -Jones 4
INNS0824.ZIP 2976 08-24-93 A better day at Innisbrook - Copperhead. Reco
IPSTRN.ZIP 9851 07-14-93 Cheat for Xwing's Imperial Pursuit Mission
| disk. Must have version 1 of Imperial Pursui
ISLES.ZIP 204959 06-25-92 Great custom course for J Nicklaus Golf
ISLIP.ZIP 10017 03-15-93 More Scenery For Fs4 3 Files. Game adjunct
ITSHUT.ZIP 30391 08-15-93 The first Space Shuttle done for FS4.0
JACKFIX.ZIP 1580 01-12-89 Unprotect Jack Nicklaus Golf
JET2.ZIP 3910 08-09-91 Jetfighter2 Document
JETCARL6.ZIP 4216 08-14-93 10 more levels for JETPACK
JETFGHT2.ZIP 1796 03-28-91 Jet Fighter II Quick Docs
JETFIDOC.ZIP 19946 01-02-89 Doc for the Game Jetfighter
JETIITRN.ZIP 4103 04-24-91 Jet Fighter II Release Trainer
JETLVC02.ZIP 16876 08-03-93 For ** Jetpack 1.1+ ** 57 more FREE Levels!
| Homemade levels from Rob Rakoczy, an 11
| year old from California. Upload your
| levels on Software Creations!
JETSFIX.ZIP 8805 05-02-92 Unprotect And Unfloppy The Jetsons Game
| (Ver1.1 By 221b Software Development) Here
| As Ptsjet1/2.Zip.
JETSFIX2.ZIP 16508 05-04-92 Bug Fix. This Replaces Jetsfix.Zip. Unprotect
| And Unfloppy The Jetsons Game (Ver1.1 From
| 221b Software Development Here As
| Ptsjet1/2.Zip).
JF2CHT.ZIP 12396 03-03-91 Jet Fighter II Cheat By Hal9000
JF2R_DOX.ZIP 4705 04-28-91 Jet Fighter II Docs
JILL1CHT.ZIP 8961 06-13-92 Cheat File for Jill of the Jungle
JILL1CT.ZIP 8961 06-13-92 255 Health Points in Game Jill of the Jungle
JILLSAVE.ZIP 6255 07-27-92 Jill of the Jungle Saved Game. Just Finish
| the Last Level
JLA_JSA.ZIP 11503 09-11-93 MJ TileSet: comic book chars
JMFBCDOX.ZIP 29615 01-02-91 Complete Dox to Joe Montana Football
JNSEDT.ZIP 66861 11-27-92 Edit your courses colors, etc.
JNUG15UN.ZIP 1747 07-15-91 Unprotect For Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Gof
| (Jnug) Version 1.5
JOEDOCS.ZIP 37153 12-07-90 Joe Montana Football Documentation
JOEUNPRO.ZIP 2189 02-13-91 Joe Montana Football unp
JPTRNR.ZIP 1729 10-18-93 ______/\_____/\________.__________/\
| \_____ \____ \_____ | ________ \
| | _ _/| |\ \/ ___| | || _ _/
| | | \| |_\ \ \__| | || | \_
| |__|_ /__|\___/\____|___ /|__|_ /
| <========\/======>TRAINED<===\/======\/==>
| Jurassic Park 3D Levels !
| <========================================>
JUNGLESE.ZIP 150771 09-27-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Jungle Cruise
K5HNT.ZIP 8681 08-27-93 Total Walkthru for Kings Quest 5
K6HNT.ZIP 10142 08-27-93 Total Walkthru for Kings Quest 6
KARENSE.ZIP 178510 08-27-93 Jack nicklaus signature - karen cc
KASHRT.ZIP 2065 09-08-93 First game of Professional Chess association
KASHRT2.ZIP 2244 09-10-93 Chess Game two of the world championship game
KASHRT3.ZIP 2419 09-12-93 Game 3 of the Kasparov Short world championsh
KASHRT4.ZIP 1940 09-15-93 The fourth game of the PCA chess championship
KCHEAT.ZIP 9187 04-01-93 Unlimited Lives For Commander Keen
KDCHT.ZIP 3077 08-26-92 A file describing the built in cheats to Keen
| your save games to give you keys, weapons,
| lightnings, coins, a compass, etc. For Epic
| Megagames' GREAT game
KILO1CHT.ZIP 8442 09-05-92 Cheat for Kiloblaster 1
KILOSAVE.ZIP 1620 08-21-92 Saved Games From the Game Kiloblaster
KINGCHIC.ZIP 2449 11-04-91 King of Chicago Solution
KLCHEAT.ZIP 93236 07-05-93 Interactive cheat for shareware version Ken'
| Labrynth
KNGHTFIX.ZIP 18257 10-22-91 Fix Id Quiz of Knights of the Sky
KOMBAT.ZIP 13335 12-09-93 All moves for all characters in Mortal Kombat
| II. Fatalities for all chars except Raiden,
| Sub-Zero and Kitana. Contains an Excel 4.0
| spreadsheet sheet and an ASCII file of all
| moves.
KOSFIX.ZIP 17863 11-16-90 Unprotect For Knights Of The Sky
KQ1_SOL.ZIP 5886 07-31-91 King's Quest I Solve
KQ2_SOL.ZIP 5260 07-31-91 King's Quest II Solve
KQ3_SOL.ZIP 8512 07-31-91 King's Quest III Solution By Sierra
KQ4-FIX.ZIP 3770 10-12-88 King's Quest IV unp
KQ4DRV.ZIP 18966 11-29-88 Drivers for Kings Quest 4
KQ4HINTS.ZIP 6318 12-29-89 King's Quest IV hints
KQ4_SOL.ZIP 4880 07-31-91 King's Quest IV Solve By Sierra
KQ5DOC.ZIP 3088 12-18-90 Walk Thru for Kings Quest Five
KQ5DRV.ZIP 22697 04-17-91 Drivers for Kings Quest 5
KQ5FIX.ZIP 5254 11-21-90 Fix For Kings Quest
KQ5FXDOC.ZIP 4515 03-05-91 Walk and Fix for King's Quest 5
KQ5HELP.ZIP 23065 09-18-92 4 Different Help Guides for Kings Quest V 4
KQ5WALK.ZIP 10344 01-18-91 Complete Walkthru for Kings Quest V. Note:
| This File is Not a Hint File But it Tells You
| Exactly What to Do.
KQ5_WALK.ZIP 8008 01-12-91 Walk Through for King's Quest V
KQ6HINT.ZIP 10560 11-13-92 King's Quest 6 Hints From Sierra BBS
KQ6HINTS.ZIP 10906 10-20-92 Hints for Kings Quest 6 from Sierra's hintli
KQ6MAN.ZIP 3199 11-02-92 Manual install of Sierra King Quest IV.
KQ6SOL.ZIP 10795 01-10-93 Solution for King's Quest Iv (Kq6)
KQ6SOLV.ZIP 46400 10-07-92 King's Quest Vi Solution
KQ6_HINT.ZIP 9865 11-28-92 Hints for Sierra's King's Quest 6
KQINST.ZIP 2757 09-03-93 Guide for those having trouble installing
| Kings Quest 6 - Direct from SIERRA ONLINE
KQIV.ZIP 2278 03-19-90 A Point List For King's Quest IV
KQVISOLV.ZIP 27708 11-17-92 King's Quest VI - The Complete Walkthrough
| 1992 The Mapper's Guild
KQ_UHS.ZIP 26505 06-13-92 Universal Hints for King Quest I - V
KRISTA.ZIP 187342 08-07-92 Jack Nicklaus signature Krista Lakes
KRONDOR.ZIP 9104 08-30-93 Betrayal at Krondor - Answers to all of the
| Warlock riddles
| Includes: KRONDOR.TXT Questions/Answers.
KRONED.ZIP 75052 07-04-93 Betrayal at Krondor editor. Everything you w
| to edit
KRONEDIT.ZIP 15066 05-30-93 Savegame editor for Betrayal At Krondor
KRONHINT.ZIP 23128 08-15-93 A bunch of hints for krondor
KYRAHINT.ZIP 12275 11-12-92 Hints To Legend Of Kyrinda
KYRANDIA.ZIP 12275 11-12-92 Hint File on the Legend of Kyrandia By Virgin
KYRANUNP.ZIP 1733 08-20-92 Unprotect For Legend Of Kyrandia
KYRTIP.ZIP 4658 05-01-93 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| ▌ Fables and Fiends: ▐
| ▌ The Legend of Kyrandia Tips ▐
| ▌ by: The Loose Goose ▐
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
L2TRNS.ZIP 6160 04-06-93 Lemmings 2 : Tribes trainer - UNLIMITED
| skills to complete all levels
L2WALK.ZIP 2528 01-19-93 New Walk Thru for Sierra's L2 Missing 3 Point
| is Type in 'take Sand' After 'taek Ashes'
| Near the End of the Game
LAIRDOX.ZIP 3693 06-01-93 Docs For Dragons Lair
LANDLORE.ZIP 63442 10-03-93 Help and hint files for Westwood Studios'
| Lands of Lore game
LANDRY05.ZIP 32045 10-12-92 Usefull utilities for Tom Landry Football
LARRY.ZIP 1956 07-29-89 Hints to Leisure Suit Larry
LARRY123.ZIP 11209 04-25-91 Larry 1,2,3 Hints or Solutions
LARY2END.ZIP 487427 01-21-93 Solution to Lary2 Game 2nd Half of Game
| (shareware version)
| Save yourself hours of fustrating playing
| time. Go right to the big bad boys! Here
| you have the Chainsaw, Rifle, Machine Gun,
| and the Rocket Launcher. And plenty of ammo
| to kick some serious Butt! Brought to you
| by: M.A.V.G. (Mothers Against Violent Games)
LASTSOL.ZIP 7166 09-15-90 Text: Last Crusade Game Solution
LAURAB.ZIP 6408 11-22-92 Plot Synopsis Of Sierra'S "Laura Bow 2: The D
LBO2.ZIP 18243 07-24-92 Solution File for Laura Bow 2
LCHT_TDT.ZIP 13868 05-06-93 ______________________
| /___ / \ ____/\
| \__/ / /\ / /\___\/
| / / /_/ / / / The Dream Team
| /__/_______/__/ / Proudly
| \__\\______\__\/ P R E S E N T S
LCMDHINT.ZIP 927 05-15-94 Lunar Command HINTS and minor docs
LCROWN_2.ZIP 49199 02-25-92 A huge zzt module-pretty good
LEM2TRNR.ZIP 14373 03-23-93 _____________________ ___
| /___ \___/\_____ / /\ < \
| | |\ \ / \ / / / \ | |\ \
| __| |/ // __ \ / / /1911\| |/ /
| \___|\ \\/ \// /__\____/|_|\_\___
| \_\ /___________________/-BS
| <*=-----------=*> Presents <*=-----------=*>
LEM2_CHT.ZIP 2109 07-27-93 My Favourite game Lemmings 2 - The Tribe Chea
LEMCODES.ZIP 24905 05-22-91 The CODES for Lemmings all the through the
| fun levels
LEMCRUE.ZIP 2357 05-21-91 A Cheat to Save the Lemmings Game
LEMDOCS.ZIP 9272 05-16-91 Docs for Lemmings
LEMM-ADD.ZIP 8521 05-13-91 Help files and passwords for Lemmings
LEMMCODZ.ZIP 2122 11-12-91 List of All the Passwords for Lemmings
LEMMINGS.TXT 364 07-07-93 Get Rid of that Original Disk Problem
LEMMSOLV.ZIP 23292 09-27-91 Solves for Lemmings Game
LEMM_UNP.ZIP 2495 08-04-91 Unprotect For Lemmings Game
LEMRAND.ZIP 5725 07-08-92 How to get to Different Levels of Lemmings
LEMUNP2.ZIP 3436 06-22-91 Another Lemmings Unprotect
LESMANLA.ZIP 2876 08-11-92 Solution to Les Manly in La.
LETHLCOD.ZIP 3657 05-26-93 Level Codes For Levels 4, Ect For Lethal
| Weapon992/3 Ibm Game
LEVEL01.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII Map of Level 1
LEVEL02.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of Level 2
LEVEL03.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of level 3
LEVEL04.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of Level 4
LEVEL05.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII Map of Level 5
LEVEL06.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII Map of Level 6
LEVEL07.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of level 7
LEVEL08.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of Level 8
LEVEL09.MAP 8920 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of level 9
LEVEL10.MAP 8922 05-22-92 Castle Wolfenstein ASCII map of Level 10
LEVELS.ZIP 13198 08-14-92 Maps for all levels of Wolfenstein
LEXIDOCS.ZIP 8220 11-09-91 Docs for Lexicross
LHXCHEAT.ZIP 5957 04-25-91 Lhx Attack Chopper Cheat
LHXCODE.ZIP 2159 02-25-91 Lhx Heli Codes for Identification
LHXUNP.ZIP 2543 06-04-90 Unprotect for LHX Attack Chopper
LHX_UNP.ZIP 1967 04-07-91 Unprotect For Lhx Attack Chopper
LIBRATR.ZIP 41526 05-07-93 Liberator Tour of Duty for Lucas Arts X-Wing
LIGHTFIX.ZIP 7634 08-26-91 Remove Doc Check for Lichrspeed
LINKNORM.ZIP 26189 07-15-93 Links 386 Pro Player Another In A Series Of P
LINKSDOX.ZIP 7044 12-07-90 Links Golf Game Documentation
LK2SOLVE.ZIP 10553 11-19-93 Solv for Legend of Kyrandia 2 1993 - Westwood
LKC_CT91.ZIP 103034 01-17-94 - the -
| ┌─┐ ┌─┬─┬──┬──┐
| │ └─┤ ┤ ─┤ ─┤
| └───┴─┴─┴──┴──┘
| collection trainer
| for over 90 games!
| by zox/dr.lazy/xxs
| +Jim Power
| +Fury of Furies
| +Kyrandia ][
LLARRY6.ZIP 6914 12-20-93 Hints for Larry 6 by Sierra
LNDCODE.ZIP 2851 11-12-92 Codewheel Numbers for the Game Life & Death
LNKSREC.ZIP 19330 08-26-93 Links386 rec. games
LOKHINT.ZIP 27866 09-24-92 Legend of Kyrandia Hint/Solve
LOLSTERR.ZIP 190099 08-07-93 ___________ _____ _ __ ____ ___ __ __ _
| /__ / ___/ __ | | \ __\ \_ \ \/ \
| \ / / /__ / /_/ / / /\ \ \ /\ \ \ \
| / / __// __ \ \ __ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \
| /_/_____/__/ \__\__\ \__\__\__\ ____\__\__\
| \_\_____\/\_\_/\__\__\/__/__/__//_____/__/__/
| <====/\=====PROUDLY PRESENTS=====/\====>
| LANDS OF LORE: The Throne of Chaos
LOLTRN.ZIP 14109 08-04-93 Trainer for Lands of Lore
LOLTRNS.ZIP 8731 09-05-93 Lands of Lore Interactive Trainer v1.0s.
LOLTRPTG.ZIP 14493 08-04-93 ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄
| █ ▄ ▀▄ ▄▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▄ █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▀▀▀▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄
| █ █▀▄ ▀ ▄▀▀ ▐ ▄█▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄ ▀ █▄ ▄ ▀ ▄ █
| █ █ ▄▀ █▄▐▀▄▐ ▐▌▄▀ █▐ █▐ ▀▄ █▄▀▄▐▀▄▀▐ █
| ▓ █▀ ▀▄▄▐ ▀ █ ▀▀▀▀ ▀█▐ ▀▄ ▀ ▐▐ ▐ ▓
| ▒ █ ░░ ░░░ ░░░ ▀▀ ░ ▀▄ ░ ░░▐ ▒
| <==▀=[ PTG Presents: ]===================▀==>
| <====================================[1/1]==>
LOMT_UNT.ZIP 9985 05-06-93 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ █
| █ ════════ UNTOUCHABLES ════════ █
| █ █
| █ Legend of Myra █
| █ █
| █ Interactive 10 option trainer █
| █ █
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
LOOMCRK2.ZIP 3058 12-16-90 Edit Info for Removing Loom Protection
LOOPZ.ZIP 1244 12-26-90 Unprotect For Loopz Frm Mindscope
LOREHINT.ZIP 6750 09-25-93 General Hints for the Lands of Lore Game
LOSTADMR.ZIP 1782 07-02-92 Unprotect For The Lost Admiral
LSL1.ZIP 11118 01-19-92 Solution File for Leisure Suit Larry 1
LSL1SAVE.ZIP 210739 03-27-92 Save Game Files for Sierra's Leisure Suit
LSL1_SOL.ZIP 2224 07-31-91 Leisure Suit Larry I By Sierra Solution
LSL2UNP.ZIP 1705 01-02-89 Unprotect Leisure Suit Larry II
LSL2WALK.ZIP 12122 01-04-89 Complete Walk Through Larry Ls II
LSL2_SOL.ZIP 5170 07-31-91 Leisure Suit Larry ][ By Sierra Solution
LSL3UNP.ZIP 3533 11-16-89 Leisure Suit Larry ]I[ unp
LSL3_SOL.ZIP 6108 07-31-91 Solve for Leisure Suit Larry ]i[ By Sierra
LSL5.ZIP 8326 01-01-92 Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Hints
LSL5CRK.ZIP 5759 09-24-91 Leisure Suit Larry V Crack
LSL5HINT.ZIP 9115 09-21-91 Hints for Leisure Suit Larry V (5)
LSL5PCX.ZIP 85820 09-21-91 Scanned Airline Schedule from LSL 5
LSL5SOL.ZIP 8972 10-05-91 Leisure Suit Larry 5 Hints
LSLARRY.ZIP 3636 10-19-87 Walkthrough For Leisure Suit Larry
LSTVKNGC.ZIP 1364 07-22-93 Level codes for The Lost Vikings
LUKE.ZIP 1280 03-14-93 This is Yet Another Character Pilot for the
| Best Space Flight Simulator "X-Wing" By Lucas
| Arts Inc.
LUKEWING.ZIP 1340 06-06-93 TOP Ace pilot for all who need good wingmen
LUNAR1.ZIP 101220 07-24-92 Play with Jack Nicklaus on the moon!
LUNARMAX.ZIP 9521 05-29-93 Maximum Money in Lunar Command
LURKING.ZIP 5434 08-21-92 Solution File for the Lurking Horror
LUX747.ZIP 28089 07-25-93 FS4 Aircraft: Boeing 747 in LuxAir Colors
LXCRCDOX.ZIP 31425 04-15-91 Lexi-Cross Complete Docs
L_D2DOX.ZIP 8810 12-20-90 Docs for Life & Death
L_DDOC.ZIP 2873 12-18-88 All the Codes You Need to Play Life & Death
L_MANUAL.ZIP 24539 08-05-93 This is the entire manual for lands of lore
M29PAK.ZIP 12530 09-01-93 Collection of utilities for the Falcon 3.0
| add on mig29. Allows remapping of collie hat
| function on Thrutmaster joysticks, adds
| radar/ecm/AB etc in all views from cockpit
| and more
M29VDDOX.ZIP 55119 02-05-91 Complete Documentation for Mig 29
M2SOLV.ZIP 21184 12-29-91 Solution to Monkey Island 2
MACHT.ZIP 1782 06-20-91 Mario Andretti Cheat
MAKEAM.ZIP 58735 07-12-92 Map Editor for Global Conquest. Mouse
| Required. $10 Shareware
MAKEMECH.ZIP 63632 07-25-92 Easily make battletech mechs using this RPG G
MANHUNT2.ZIP 23753 01-05-91 Walk Thru and Tips for Playing Man Hunt 2
MANHUNTR.ZIP 5657 07-31-91 Solve for Manhunter By Sierra
MANTISCR.ZIP 1945 09-20-92 Acess Code for Mantis Game
MANUPD.ZIP 264384 01-21-93 Upgrade patch from MicroProse for Mantis Expe
MAPED41.ZIP 43795 08-07-92 Wolfenstein - View and Edit all 60 Maps
MAPED7.ZIP 80087 06-19-93 Mapedit 7 For Wolfenstein 3D And Spear Of
| Destiny! Brand New!
MARTSOLV.ZIP 41119 08-02-91 Really good solve/hints for Martian Dreams
MATHIS.ZIP 11570 10-22-93 Scenery file for FS4 of the lake lanier area
| most detail is of Mathis airport. From
| Santoware. * FREEWARE *
MAYA20MJ.ZIP 2883 06-04-93 Mj Tileset: Mayan Base 20 Numbers∙ Last revis
MAYHEM.ZIP 54620 10-02-90 Docs to Universal Mayhem Ver 1.5
MAY_TRN.ZIP 2052 06-01-93 ▄███████████████████████▄▄
| ████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀███▄
| ▀█████████▄ ▄█████▄ ███
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀████ ███▀███ ▄███
| ▄▄███████████▀ ███████ ██████▀
| ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
| ▀██▄ Mayor Stryker Com. Version
| ▀█ >>> TRAINER <<<
| ▀ Trained By Devotion/TDe
MB02BCHT.ZIP 64244 04-12-93 Cheat information [Rev B] for Monster Bash
| v1.02, including god and warp modes!
MB11BCHT.ZIP 64815 04-26-93 Cheat Information [Rev B] for Monster Bash
| v1.1, including god and warp modes!
MB20CHT.ZIP 63816 05-11-93 Cheat Information for Monster Bash v2.0,
| including god, warp and JUMP modes!
MB21TRN.ZIP 62852 07-31-93 Trainer Module for Monster Bash v2.1. Includ
| | god, warp and JUMP modes!
MBT_UNT.ZIP 9743 05-06-93 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ █
| █ ════════ UNTOUCHABLES ════════ █
| █ █
| █ Monster Bash █
| █ █
| █ Interactive 4 option trainer █
| █ █
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
MDF.UNP 554 11-23-92 Unprotect for Mike Ditka's Football
MDFNFL2.ZIP 16220 12-29-92 1992 Nfl Teams For Mike Ditka Football
MEANST.ZIP 23616 01-05-91 Text Walk Through Mean Streets Game With
| Tips
MEAN_ST.ZIP 2108 02-16-90 Unprotect Mean-Street Game
MECHGAME.ZIP 1562 04-29-93 This is a saved game for FASA's MECHWARRIOR
MEGAFRT.ZIP 5950 09-29-91 Docs & Indent Codes for Megafortress
MEGA_IFF.ZIP 1902 01-21-92 Megafortress Iff Radio Codes Doc Check.
METALCHT.ZIP 4713 03-11-91 Metal Mutants Cheat
MEW_FIX.ZIP 16171 06-29-91 Fix for the Game Medieval Warriors
MG_LIBYA.ZIP 26841 09-09-93 A new theater for MiG-29! Adds Chad, Libya
| as a new theater of operations! More theaters
| are avalible from the author!
MHWINGS.ZIP 341444 05-04-93 Add In MOD Files For X-Wing Commander
MI2CODE.ZIP 2685 12-31-91 Code Wheel for Monkey Island ][: Lechuck's
| Revenge
MI2_DOX.ZIP 22481 12-15-91 Documentation for Monkey Island 2
MICKABC.ZIP 1586 09-29-91 Unprotect Mickey'S Abc'S, 123'S
MIDIEVIL.ZIP 144238 07-18-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Midievil Greens
MIG1011.ZIP 256112 11-16-93 MiG-29 patch #2! This patch fixes
| communication problems and upgrades MiG-29 to
| version 1.01.1 and Falcon to 3.02. This is
| straight from the Spectrum Holobyte BBS.
MIG29DOX.ZIP 16828 02-04-91 Documentation for Mig 29
MIG29REV.ZIP 10406 11-13-93 Review of Spectrum Holobyte's MiG-29! This is
| a Windows Write format but can also be
| viewed as a text file.
MIG_29.ZIP 3423 01-18-88 MiG 29 Airplane for Chuck Yeager's Flight Si
MJARIZON.ZIP 11530 08-06-93 MJ TileSet: Arizona state
MJCFMTS1.ZIP 11042 07-25-93 MJ TilSet
MJCOMICB.ZIP 7297 07-31-93 MJ TileSet: Comic Books
MJPUN.ZIP 6723 07-28-93 MJ TileSet: Puns in suites
MJSCRNSV.ZIP 8067 06-11-93 Mah Jongg tiles: simulated screensavers
MJTAROT.ZIP 6397 09-01-93 MJ TileSet: Tarot cards
MJTIL50X.ZIP 51507 06-17-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 500-509. Includes Klingon alphabet,
| airlines, Elvis, karate, army, U.S. states.
MJTIL51X.ZIP 64556 06-17-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 510-519. Includes U.S. states, words
| with illustrations, Mayan alphabet, Apogee
| games.
MJTIL529.ZIP 9062 06-14-93 Mj Tileset: Patterns Emphisizing The Color∙ L
MJTIL52X.ZIP 69294 06-17-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 520-529. Includes toys, trucks, Earth
| Day, Greek letters, Star Trek.
MJTIL530.ZIP 8780 06-14-93 Mahjongg Tileset: Colorful Shapes∙ Last revis
MJTIL531.ZIP 10359 06-14-93 Mj Tileset: Common First Names∙ Last revision
MJTIL532.ZIP 7655 06-14-93 Mj Tileset: Various Triangles∙ Last revision
MJTIL533.ZIP 9019 05-17-93 Mj Tileset: Insects∙ Last revision date in ar
MJTIL534.ZIP 9906 04-24-93 Mj Tileset: Trees, Plants, Flowers∙ Last revi
MJTIL535.ZIP 4922 05-29-93 Mj Tileset: Grooming∙ Last revision date in a
MJTIL536.ZIP 5379 05-16-93 Mj Tileset: All Kinds Of Hats∙ Last revision
MJTIL537.ZIP 7142 04-19-93 Mj Tileset: New Year Theme∙ Last revision dat
MJTIL538.ZIP 5476 06-06-93 Mj Tileset: Footwear∙ Last revision date in a
MJTIL54X.ZIP 66924 07-06-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 540-549. Includes Star Trek, sci-fi
| movies, alphabet blocks, neck ties,
| Christmas/winter.
MJTIL551.ZIP 6554 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Abstract Shapes 06-14-93∙06-30-93
MJTIL552.ZIP 9723 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Alien Chars And Macheans∙ Last re
MJTIL553.ZIP 8987 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Animals And Signs∙ Last revision
MJTIL554.ZIP 8317 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Crochet Pattrns∙ Last revision da
MJTIL555.ZIP 4303 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Checkerboard Patterns∙ Last revis
MJTIL556.ZIP 7359 06-30-93 Mj Tilest: Things Around The House Unrelated∙
MJTIL557.ZIP 6945 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Kids Stuff∙ Last revision date in
MJTIL558.ZIP 6057 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Mosaics∙ Last revision date in ar
MJTIL559.ZIP 8832 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Visit By Aliens∙ Last revision da
MJTIL560.ZIP 5031 06-30-93 Mj Tileset; Trains And Train Cars∙ Last revis
MJTIL561.ZIP 3394 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Very Difficult Patterns∙ Last rev
MJTIL570.ZIP 7894 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Clay Patterns
MJTIL571.ZIP 9171 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Intricate shapes and patterns
MJTIL572.ZIP 6338 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Cubes, ect
MJTIL573.ZIP 7438 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Special effects
MJTIL574.ZIP 9005 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Picture Frames
MJTIL575.ZIP 7750 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Xmas trees, ect
MJTIL576.ZIP 7340 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Floor Tiles
MJTIL577.ZIP 9667 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Colorful Patterns
MJTIL579.ZIP 10758 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Places to visit
MJTIL581.ZIP 8697 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: All in red
MJTIL582.ZIP 5701 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Color
MJTIL583.ZIP 7814 08-12-93 MJ TileSet: Weaving patterns
MJTIL584.ZIP 5059 08-12-93 MJ Tileset: Glowing lights on black
MJTIL587.ZIP 7640 08-28-93 MJ TileSet: Illustrated Alphabet
MJTIL593.ZIP 11181 08-28-93 MJ TileSet: Modern Music
MJTIL60X.ZIP 71503 09-19-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 600-609. Includes Arizona, tarot cards,
| cats, tanks, navy insignia, software logos.
MJTIL61X.ZIP 89120 10-09-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 610-619. Includes comic books, nurses,
| Vikings, airline logos, coats of arms.
MJTSCATS.ZIP 12236 09-07-93 MJ TileSet: Cats
MJ_CRAZY.ZIP 6931 08-04-93 MJ TileSet: Crazy patterns
MJ_DC.ZIP 10605 09-11-93 MJ TileSet: DC comic characters
MJ_MUSIC.ZIP 7355 07-14-93 Mah Jongg tile set: Some favorite musicians.
MJ_SF2GM.ZIP 14526 07-01-93 Mj Tileset: Street Fighter∙ Last revision
MK122792.ZIP 22480 12-16-92 Links386 Pro Recorded Games From Mauna Kea.
| Complete Guide
| Thirteenth Revision
| January 26th, 1994
MK2FAQ16.ZIP 20948 03-07-94 Faq for Mortal Kombat 2. New Fatalities and |
| Characters listed!
| Preliminary Guide
| Fourth Revision
| November 24, 1993 (expires 12/1/93)
| jiriki@stein.u.washington.edu
MKE.ZIP 2270 01-23-91 Milwaukee Sector File for Tracon Ii.
MKTIPS.ZIP 12440 02-19-93 Hint files for the arcade game Mortal Kombat.
MLPL.ZIP 3460 10-13-93 Want to join a Links386 Pro League? Here's
| the info.
MM2CHEAT.ZIP 4970 07-29-91 Cheating Documentation for Might & Magic Book
| Roster to Have Your Characters Just as You
| Want.
MM2HINT.ZIP 7979 06-13-93 _____ ____________ ______
| . /| \ V / . \ _ \(__\ \ .
| _/\ _/ : |\_ _/ /\// /| |\/: \_/\ _
| . \// |Z/ \| | \ \ \| | | \. \/
| \__|__|!\_/|_____/__\__\__|_____/
| Day of the Tentacle (Maniac Mansion 2)
| The Hint File
MM3DOC.ZIP 9982 09-17-91 Might and Magic III Docs
MM3TRN0.ZIP 18737 09-21-91 Might and Magic III Character Trainer
MM4CHEAT.ZIP 33588 10-09-92 Excellent Cheat for Saved Game Files of Might
| and Magic Iv Clouds of Xeen
MM4EDIT.ZIP 36606 10-07-92 Might and Magic 4 Editor
MM4HINTS.ZIP 21709 11-10-92 Might & Magic 4:Clouds of Xeen Hints DETAILED
MM4INFO.ZIP 4724 11-05-92 Clouds of Xeen Weapons and Armor
MM4SOLV.ZIP 17688 10-19-92 Solutions, Hints for Might & Magic IV
MM4SOLVE.ZIP 6720 10-07-92 Solve to Might and Magic 4
MM4TRN.ZIP 12446 10-06-92 Might And Magic Trnr
MM5BANK.ZIP 12809 03-10-93 Savegame editor for Might & Magic V. Add
| money to the party
MM5TRN.ZIP 166340 05-31-93 The ultimate trainer for MM5 Darkside of Xeen
MM5_CRK.ZIP 119928 05-29-93 Unprotect For Might & Magic 5: Darkside Of
| Xeen 1993 By New World
MM5_DOCS.ZIP 25237 05-30-93 Hints for Darkside of Xeen
MMCRACK.ZIP 1502 09-17-91 Crack File for Might & Magic III
MMIVSOLV.ZIP 25742 11-17-92 Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen
| The Complete Walkthrough by TMG
MMSOLVE.ZIP 4623 10-07-93 Solution to MANIAC MANSION by Lucasfilms
MNF_DOCS.ZIP 8480 01-02-91 Docs to Monday Night Football
MODCL2.ZIP 24584 05-29-89 Ms-flight Simulator. Mode Editor
MODPAK10.ZIP 14089 01-16-90 European Adventures For Flight Simulator 4
MODPAK6.ZIP 25192 11-18-89 Mods And Adventures For Flight Simulator 4
MOMONEY.ZIP 1318 07-11-91 How to give your SimCity two billion Bucks!
MONKEY.UHS 19310 01-01-80 Hints For The Secret Of Monkey Island
MONKEY.ZIP 7714 10-11-90 Solution to Lucas Monkey Island
MONKEY1.ZIP 6373 05-13-92 Solution File for Secret of Monkey Island 1
MONKEY2.ZIP 21066 02-20-92 Solution File for Secret of Monkey Island 2
MONTY_P.ZIP 14325 06-23-91 This Is A Very Silly Unprotect For Monty
| Python'S Flying Circus Game. "Wake Up,
| Poly!".
MOOKIE.PLT 1706 08-16-93 Top Ace Pilot for X-Wing
MORELEMM.ZIP 4571 04-05-93 Unprotect For Oh No More Lemmings, So You
| Dont Have To Use The Original Disk To Play
MORIAHLP.ZIP 4381 02-24-91 Moria V. 4.87 Help for Beginners and Experts
MORIAMON.ZIP 15494 11-20-90 Description of All Moria's Monsters
MORIASAV.ZIP 8928 03-22-92 A Great Saved Game for Moria V.3.872
MORTAL2.ZIP 3218 01-09-94 ___________
| | | 1/10/94
| |___ ___ ___| Complete
| | | | | (Almost)
| Mortal Kombat Moves
| __| | | |__ Includes :
| | | Babalities
| |___________| Friendships
MORTAL_M.ZIP 9722 12-25-93 A listing of all of the Mortal Kombat II
| moves. Hope these help ya! Game adjunct
MPOCKDOX.ZIP 9297 07-11-92 Complete Dox To Magic Pockets Game
MS14CHT.ZIP 59954 02-20-93 Cheat information for Major Stryker
| v1.3 (updated) and v1.4
MSTREETS.ZIP 1248 06-02-91 True Unprotect For Mean Streets - No More
| Keywords
MT2CHT11.ZIP 14078 07-18-91 Mega Traveller 2 Cheat
MT2FIX.ZIP 61611 03-04-92 Mega Traveller ][ Fix
MYWOLF03.ZIP 12305 06-01-93 10 new levels for Wolfenstein 3D shareware
| version only
NAT1HINT.ZIP 14059 12-09-92 Hints Wolfenstein 3D 1.0 With the aid of thes
NBAJAM.ZIP 15036 12-09-93 ╓───────────────────────────────╖
| ║ ╓──┐ ╥─┐ ╓──┐ ─┬─ ╓──┐ ╓─╥─┐║
| ║ ║ │ ╟─┴┐ ╟──┤ │ ╟──┤ ║ ║ │║
| ║ ╨ ┴ ╨──┘ ╨ ┴ ╙─┘ ╨ ┴ ╨ ╨ ┴║
| ╟───────────────────────────────╢
| ║ Text file from Internet tells ║
| ║ all the secret codes for NBA ║
| ║ JAM!! All power ups and 13 of ║
| ║ the 18 Special Guest codes as ║
| ║ well as the HIDDEN tank game! ║
| ╙───────────────────────────────╜
NBA_UNP.ZIP 3002 12-15-91 Remove Doc Check For Nba: Lakers Vs Celtics
| 1989 From Elect. Arts
NESCODES.ZIP 13671 03-18-93 Nintendo Game Genie Codes & Cheats
NEUROMAN.ZIP 7143 11-02-91 Neuromancer Cheat Program
NEUROWT.ZIP 26370 08-27-93 Neuromancer walk through file
NEW-WOLF.ZIP 430396 10-26-92 40 New Castle Wolfenstein Levels!
NEW11.ZIP 12360 08-15-92 New levels for Castle Wofenstein 1.2
NEWLEVLS.ZIP 96836 10-02-92 New Levels for CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN
NEWMAPS.ZIP 13148 05-05-92 New Maps for the Game Conquest 3
NEWWOLF.ZIP 1651 06-17-92 NEW Built-In Cheat Keys for Wolfenstein v1.1
NEWWORLD.ZIP 251089 09-07-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature New World Gc.
NEW_UNP.ZIP 1784 01-22-90 Unp's for Test Drive ][ and LSL
NFL93NEW.ZIP 113264 08-15-93 Front Page Sports Football 93 teams and leagu
NINTEN15.ZIP 52031 08-02-91 Nintendo Tips & Hints! Just run the program
NITE-E.ZIP 7621 08-25-93 Night Vision for Falcon 3.02 - Easy Install
NJ_TRN.ZIP 33406 10-09-93 _ _ _
| =≈ (_) (_ (_ ≈=
| ___ /\____/\ /\_______ /\___
| \_ \ / ____ \ \_ _____)\_ \
| / \/ \/ _| \/ __)/ \/ _| \
| __ / \ / \ \_ \ \/ \ \_ \ ___
| \\\___\ /___/__| \__/\____/__| \\\
| !M!MM!\/M!MM!M!!____/!M!M!M!M!M!|____/!
| Present: CaPSToNe NiNJa SuRFeRS TRaiNeR
| /\- THNX To TDe -/\ GR8 JoB CaLiMeRo -/\
NORASOU.ZIP 1721 05-18-91 Deprotect For North & South
NOVACHT.ZIP 10877 12-02-91 Cheat for Hard Nova
NSFIX1.ZIP 13042 05-04-92 Unprotect (No More Code Wheel) For The Game
| Nightshift From Lucasfilm (Ver1.0 10/04/90)
NSHFTDOX.ZIP 10853 05-17-91 Dox for Night Shift
NSUNP.ZIP 18466 11-30-90 Remove Code Wheel Protection Check For Night
| Shift By Lucasfilm Games
NS_DOCS.ZIP 3519 01-13-91 Doc's for Night Shift From Lucasfilm
NUBTCS.ZIP 580997 07-23-92 This is the latest upgrade to Bard's Tale Con
NVL9309F.ZIP 229359 11-15-93 _._._ NEVERLOCK September 1993 _._._._._
| Remove annoying copy-protection from 100
| 's of popular games. Shareware NeverLock
| solves your problem correctly every time
| A registered version unprotects EVERLOCK
| _._._._ COPY PROTECTION REMOVAL _._._._.
NWNTRN_D.ZIP 2916 11-04-92 Documentation for Neverwinter Nights Trainer
NWNTRN_P.ZIP 50712 06-18-91 Neverwinter Nights Trainer!!! a Nifty Little
| Program I Found on a BBS Very Useful for
| Nwn Players!! Must Try!
NYAALB.ZIP 68207 10-27-92 FS4/ASD Scenery: Albany County, NY
| Includes ALB and SCH airports. Cities and
| towns. Surrounding roads, lakes, rivers, and
| hills. SD-12 required
NYAFRG.ZIP 47675 07-13-92 Flight Sim 4/A&SD scenery: Farmingdale, NY.
| Detailed scenery of Republic Airport on Long
| Island. SD-12 required
OAKGROVE.ZIP 286344 09-07-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Oakgrove Municipal
OBITCHT.ZIP 13670 01-28-92 Cheat for the Game Obituse
OFWORLD.ZIP 5162 04-15-92 Out of this World Complete Walkthrough
OHNOCHT.ZIP 1503 05-11-94 Unprotect the Lemmings Data Disk
OHNOLEMM.ZIP 2282 11-30-91 Doc Files for Oh No More Lemmings
OOTWPW.ZIP 1507 01-08-93 This is a useful text for people who love the
OOTW_COD.ZIP 1376 05-10-92 Password Codes for the Game: Out of This.
ORIONCHT.ZIP 9750 11-07-93 Money cheat for Master of Orion
OSTRPTG2.ZIP 2756 11-13-93 Interactive Trainer for OSCAR
| 16+ Options.
OVDOCS06.ZIP 148284 05-31-93 Docs and Hints for many games
OVERCHT.ZIP 7474 03-01-91 Overlord Game Cheat
PAGA1CHT.ZIP 3220 11-12-91 Saved Games for Restoring in Alabama Smith
| and Romancing the Rose. Starts You With 99
| Lives!
PAGA1FAQ.ZIP 3064 04-29-93 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on the Pagan
PAST_UNP.ZIP 1992 10-27-91 Unprotect For "Where In Usa'S Past Is
| Carmen?"
PATPOINT.ZIP 192255 08-16-93 Jack nicklaus signature - patricks point cc.
PATTONTR.ZIP 2414 05-08-92 Fix for Patton Strikes Back Game
PBCHEAT.ZIP 27576 11-10-93 Cheat for Epic Pinball
PCHEAT.ZIP 3508 04-12-91 Prince of Persia. Cheat Start at Any Level
PDSELOST.ZIP 130885 09-30-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Paradise Lost
PESTARFD.ZIP 15019 06-22-93 ___________ ___________ ___ ______
| \ _ \ | | : > | | |/ /
| \| __/ | \ |__| | --/
| [NE] |____|\_____|_____/_________|____/
| E N E M Y
| Presents: Protostar Full Documentation
| -Dray
PETEROSE.ZIP 3668 04-19-91 Copy-Protection Codes And Quick Documentation
| For Pete Rose Pennant Fever Baseball Game
| The Codes Are Hard To Read!!!!
PEWALK.ZIP 43812 01-17-93 Planet's Edge Game Hints/Solution∙ Provides d
PGA-ZAP.ZIP 1247 01-15-91 PGA Tour unp
PGACRACK.ZIP 1785 10-23-91 Remove Course Check From Ea'S Pga Tour Golf
PGAUNP.ZIP 1216 11-22-90 Another PGA unp
PHANWALK.ZIP 4660 08-14-93 Walkthrough For Return Of The Phantom993 By
| Microprose
PICK_DOC.ZIP 3223 05-04-91 Docs for Pick N' Pile By Ubi Soft
PICK_TRN.ZIP 2645 05-03-91 Trainer for Pick N' Pile By Ubi Soft
PILOTS.ZIP 9146 04-01-92 A Collection of Experienced Pilots for the
| Game Secret Weapons. Includes German and
| American Pilots, Including Bomber Pilots
PINCHEAT.ZIP 9296 12-07-93 PinCheat v1.0 is a cheat for the shareware
| version of EPIC PINBALL. Get up to nine,
| or even infinite balls in one game. Easy to
| use, and it's free! Who could ask for more?
| FreeWare compliments of Greyjack.
PINEHRS2.ZIP 14207 11-10-92 Another Slew Of Players For The Links 386 Pro
PIPE.ZIP 1226 01-01-91 Unprotected For Pipe Dream
PITHINTS.DOC 1876 12-05-91 The Pit Hints
PLANES.ZIP 2250 06-22-91 Three Planes for Flight Simulator
PLANETFA.ZIP 5291 08-21-92 Solution File for Planetfall
PLAY_UNP.ZIP 2889 01-09-91 Unprotect For Playroom
PL_DAKOT.ZIP 25868 10-18-92 Dc-3 Dakota Aircraft For Fs-4 That Was Create
POLICHNT.ZIP 14790 09-20-90 Hints to Police Quest!
POOLWALK.ZIP 14071 03-16-89 Walk Thru for Pool of Radiance
POP-UNP.ZIP 3300 07-31-90 Unprotect Patch For Prince Of Persia!
POP.ZIP 1929 01-11-90 Unprotect Populous
POP2CHT.ZIP 7651 02-15-93 Populous II Cheat File
POP2TRN.ZIP 23068 05-07-93 Trainer for Populous II Allows you to change
| energy levels during a game and other nice
| things!
POP2_SAV.ZIP 2471 05-26-93 Save Games File for Prince of Persia 2 Levels
| 1 Thru 14 - Alt-l during games gets it.
POPBEAT.ZIP 29597 05-25-92 Prince of Persia Magic - Beat Prince of
| Persia By Going to Any Level With This
| Piece of Software. Try It.
POPCHEAT.ZIP 6464 08-05-90 Cheat for Prince of Persia
POPDOC.ZIP 2223 03-20-91 English Translation of Popcorn Documentation
POPLEV.ZIP 7358 05-20-93 Populous II level jumper
POPTOOL.ZIP 7161 01-26-91 Tool for Changing Prince of Persia Save
| Files
POP_UNP.ZIP 2246 09-13-91 Unprotect For Prince Of Persia
PP2ED01B.ZIP 27791 09-09-93 Prince of persia 2 save game editor
PP2SAV20.ZIP 13039 05-02-93 Prince of Persia II Save Game Editor v2.0
PP2TRNS.ZIP 9549 06-04-93 Prince of Persia 2 Trainer by -Network-
PP2_INFO.ZIP 8414 06-06-93 These are the codes for
| Prince of Persia ][
PPTFIX.ZIP 67009 07-30-93 This is a fix for Mallards Pilots Power Tools
PQ.ZIP 2084 03-10-88 Unprotect Police Quest By Sierra
PQ1WLK.ZIP 7338 11-23-92 Pq 1 Walk Thru a Winword Doc Status
PQ1_SOL.ZIP 8083 07-31-91 Police Quest I Solution
PQ3-DOC.ZIP 3918 12-03-88 Docs for Police Quest 3
PQ3H.ZIP 8318 11-25-91 Hints for Police Quest 3
PQ3HELP.ZIP 46710 10-13-91 Helps for Police Quest
PQ3HNT.ZIP 9213 10-30-91 Hints for Police Quest 3
PQ3MAPS.ZIP 22019 10-04-91 Maps for Police Quest Iii. Provide a Detailed
| View of the Game.
PQ3_DOX.ZIP 52013 10-04-91 Documentation for Police Quest III
PQ4SLEXC.ZIP 13026 12-01-93 /\__/\ /\__/\___/\__/\___/\_ __/\____
| | __\ \/ / _ \ _ \ __\ _/ |/ \__ \
| / __/ /\ \ <_\/ / __/ | | | | | \
| \_____/ \/\_____|_ \____ |__/\___/__| /
| <===================\/====\/=[Presents]=\/=>
| <============================[Disk 1 of 1]=>
PQUEST3.ZIP 16966 04-04-92 Police Quest III By Sierra Hints, Codes,
| Everything.
PREASY10.ZIP 15655 10-24-93 ╓───────────────────────────────────────────╖
| ║ PREASY VER 1.0, a "trainer" program for ║
| ║ Privateer, will selectively cripple ║
| ║ vehicle SHIELDS, MISSILES and GUNS of ALL ║
| ║ ships -- FRIENDLY and ENEMY. PREASY WILL ║
| ║ NOT HARM YOUR SHIP or any SAV files. ║
| ╙───────────────────────────────────────────╜
PRED2_T.ZIP 3560 05-04-91 Trainer for Predator 2
PRESTWCK.ZIP 271342 08-04-93 Jack nicklaus signature - prestwick
PRICOD1.ZIP 1422 01-11-93 More Documentation Codes for Prince of Persia
PRINCDOX.ZIP 5743 04-25-90 Documents for Prince of Persia
PRINCE2.ZIP 23393 06-03-93 PCX for Copy Protection in Prince of Persia
PRIVTRN.ZIP 5901 09-26-93 Privateer Cheat. Edits your saved games and
| makes how ever much money you want! This is
| not sanctioned by SSI
PRNC2WLK.ZIP 6324 10-28-93 Walkthrough and hints for Prince of Persia 2
PRNEDT.ZIP 13180 04-28-93 A cheat for prince of persia (ii) go to any
| level you wish
PSYCHDOX.ZIP 24556 12-18-90 Access Codes to Play Psychic Wars
PTLEVELS.ZIP 6839 07-17-90 Select Any Level Of Pharaoh's Tomb From Menu
PTOM_CHT.ZIP 5703 06-24-93 Paraoh's Tomb Cheat
| This cheat will give you
| the ability to have up to:
| 255 lives.
| 255 shots.
| 99 coins.
| and go to any level you want.
PUSHCHT1.ZIP 1185 06-02-93 Push Over codes for the first 10 levels
PWHINT8.ZIP 50283 05-23-93 Hints / Tips For Pacific War992/3 SSI WWII
| Wargame A Must Read For All Owners Of Game.
PWMGRUNP.ZIP 1402 07-07-92 Unprotect For Powermonger 1992 Game By
| Electronic Arts
PYR_LTRN.ZIP 7533 01-06-93 _____ ___ ____ _______
| | _ \\ \_/ /| _ \
| | |_| _|\_ _/ | |_| _/
| | PyRadiCaL Presents \
| |___| |__| |___|\___\ [1/1]
| [ Luigi & Spaghetti -TRAINER- ]
QFG3HINT.ZIP 14899 10-31-92 Sierra BBS Hint Series for Quest for Glory 3
QFGDTZU.ZIP 14058 09-28-92 Quest for Glory III Clue Book
QG2CHT.ZIP 1324 05-14-92 A Cheat for Quest for Glory II By Sierra
QG2MAP.ZIP 2287 12-09-90 Map for Quest for Glory - Trial By Fire
QRF19.ZIP 1653 06-23-93 Quick Reference for F19
RADIANCE.ZIP 42092 06-22-93 Walk-thru for Pool of Radiance with maps
RAEASY11.ZIP 21610 12-04-93 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
| █ RAEASY version 1.1 is a "trainer" utility █
| █ written for Rebel Assault by LucasArts. █
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
RECL14.ZIP 31622 06-14-93 FS4/AAF airplane: Lockheed L-14W Electra.
| This is a representation of Lockheed's
| airliner of the 1930's and 1940's. Many
| variations were built in the L-series and
| this is just one example. Twin tails and
| powerful engines, even a bomber version was
| built during WWII.
REDUKE.ZIP 23249 12-08-92 This is a Edited Set of Duke Nukem Levels for
| Use With Duke Nukum Episode 1 - I Hope You
| Like It!
RED_DOX.ZIP 4657 01-01-91 Red Baron Documentation
REINDEER.ZIP 255947 01-11-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Reindeer Lake
REMOVCPY.ZIP 137222 04-01-86 Wide Variety Of Unprotects
RENEGADE.ZIP 1436 04-09-91 Unprotect For Ssi'S Renegade Legion
RESETCLK.ZIP 5071 08-14-91 Resets the Computer Clock, Can be Used After
| Running Certain Games That Mess Up the
| Clock. I.E. Lemmings and Apogee's Duke
| Nukem.
RETAL.ZIP 1684 06-03-91 Unprotect For F-29 Retlaiator, Need Hex
| Editor.
REXSOLVE.ZIP 5825 10-18-92 Solve for Rex Nebular / the Gender Bender
REXTXT1.ZIP 4534 01-11-93 Text File to Help Out on Rex Nebula. it Tells
| About a Cheat and How to Access the
| Endings
RICERULE.ZIP 17691 10-20-93 Rules for playing Vampires in Anne Rice's
| World of the Vampires
RINGWSLV.ZIP 11984 02-08-93 Ring World Solve. Game adjunct
RISEDOX.ZIP 4618 04-25-91 Rise of the Dragon Docs
RISE_WT.ZIP 8849 01-12-91 Docs for Rise of the Dragon
RISKYCHT.ZIP 1312 06-02-93 Risky Woods cheat
RISKYTRN.ZIP 7385 10-09-92 Trainer For Risky Woods Really Useful
RMONKEY.ZIP 1924 04-25-91 Monkey Island Cheat
ROBHOOD.ZIP 9383 11-02-91 Walkthrough and Codes for Sierra Robin Hood
ROBINHD.ZIP 10403 06-20-93 Walkthrough for Robin Hood Conquests
ROBINHOD.ZIP 3747 08-11-92 Solution for Robin Hood
RRDOC.ZIP 2792 02-12-89 Rocket Ranger Code Wheel Docs *necessary*
RRTDCHT.ZIP 8867 08-09-93 Railroad tycoon deluxe cheat
RRTDLX.ZIP 141474 07-29-93 Railroad Tycoon update...Game adjunct
RTZPLUS.ZIP 39728 10-08-93 Save game for Return to Zork - This instantly
| puts you on the West side of the river into
RTZSOLVE.ZIP 7978 10-10-93 Complete Walk-Through
| for Return to Zork
RTZWALK.ZIP 10238 10-20-93 This is a WalkThrough for Infocom's game
| "Return to Zork". Reading this will spoil
| the entire game, so don't read it unless
| you want to be told how to finish the game
RZRI2TRN.ZIP 1446 05-26-93 Trainer for Ishar II
RZRVIKTR.ZIP 1509 06-23-93 Trainer for Vikings
S-EARTH.ZIP 2111 01-01-80 Docs to Crack Sim Earth
S301SOLV.ZIP 14329 09-28-92 Solve for Spring Break
SADDLE_F.ZIP 316646 09-17-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Saddle Creek Fall
SAGE_5.ZIP 64373 03-13-94 Hundreds of tips for Sega Genesis games
SAKOPY.ZIP 1604 08-28-93 Sakopy River is a river for BassTour/Bass Cla
SANJUAN.ZIP 294044 09-13-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature San Juan Island Cc
SAVAGESL.ZIP 18385 01-10-91 Documents for Savage Empire
SAVAMAP.ZIP 10250 11-05-90 Map for Game of Savage Empire
SAVE000.ZIP 3776 06-11-93 Dune 2 Data file
SAVES.ZIP 30065 08-26-93 Saved games for Links386 Pro Golf game
SB2CHEAT.ZIP 9533 09-18-92 Speedball II Cheat! Modifies Your League Save
| Game File to Give You 30000 Cash! That's
| Enough to Go Nuts!
SB2CHT2.ZIP 9930 09-18-92 Speedball II Cheat! (Ver 2). This Cheat for
| Speedball II Now Supports Both League Play
| Saved Games and Cup Play Saved Games. This
| Will Give Each Saved Game 30,000 Cash! With
| That Much Cash, You Should be Able to do
| Some Serious Damage! By Bill Dykstra.
SB2HACK.ZIP 9978 07-03-93 Speedball II Cheat! Give Your League Save
| Game Files 30,000 Credits And Anywhere From
| 100-250 Strength Points.
SBALLTRN.ZIP 1789 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
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| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
SC.HLP 4917 05-02-93 Strike Commander Install Help from Origin. An
SC1BYT.ZIP 3286 07-13-92 FS4/ASD Info: Byte counts for scenery. A
| table showing the number of bytes used for
| all types of scenery objects found in the
| Microsoft Aircraft and Scenery Designer.
| Also some hints on how to save memory when
| designing static scenery. By John Kelley.
SC2.ZIP 3019 04-01-93 Star Control II Unprotect - Finally!
SC2CHEAT.ZIP 85995 12-19-92 Star Controll 2 cheat
SC2CHT11.ZIP 9616 01-16-94 65,000? PAH! Here's a 2-billion dollar
| cheater for Sim City 2000 that won't screw up
| gameplay like the other editors.
SCASTLE4.ZIP 1442 06-08-92 Passwords for Super Nintendo Castlevania 4
SCDOXINC.ZIP 4271 04-26-93 Strike Commander Docs
SCDOXIST.ZIP 5200 04-18-93 Some Documentation To Strike Commander
SCEASY10.ZIP 16454 11-09-93 ■───────────── SCEASY VER 1.0 ──────────────■
| │ SCEASY 1.0 is a utility written for │
| │ Strike Commander and Tactical Operations │
| │ by Origin. It "fixes" game data files by │
| │ crippling game vehicle guns, missiles, │
| │ and surface weapons. Your air combat │
| │ sequences are made EASIER. This is a good │
| │ "trainer" program for Strike Commander. │
| ■───────────────────────────────────────────■
SCG_UNP.ZIP 2440 09-25-91 Unprotect SimCity Graphics Add On
SCITIES.ZIP 56670 07-31-92 Seven New Cities to Use With Sim City
SCOM.TXT 15711 05-02-93 Thinking about buying Strike Commander? Read
SCORTRIS.ZIP 13263 07-20-91 Modify Welltris Program "High Scores"
SCOTDASE.ZIP 201218 07-24-92 Nicklaus Signature Course: TPC at Scottsdale
SCRABFAQ.ZIP 23623 10-06-93 Everything You'd Ever Wanna Know About
| Scrabble - is a text file full of
| information about the popular board
| game of scrabble. It includes
| informatin about tourney rules for U.S.
| and Canada, tips on playing a better
| game and lists of Scrabble-related
| books, periodicals, and software.
SCRACK.ZIP 5748 11-13-92 Unprotect For Star Control 2
SCREAT.ZIP 139516 06-14-93 SCreat is an easy way for adding large lines
SCTEST.ZIP 63679 06-13-93 Strike Commander Test Direct From The Origin
| BBS. This Program Will Analyse Your System
| BEFORE Strike Commander Installation. It
| Will Also Calibrate Joysticks Having
| Trouble Calibrating
SC_UNP.ZIP 1918 10-14-90 Star Control Unprotect
SEALCHT.ZIP 16517 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
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| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ SEAL TEAM ...........] │
SEALTDOC.ZIP 4433 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ SEAL TEAM ...........] │
SEALTERR.ZIP 27260 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
| │ │ │└──┐└┐ ││ │ │ │ │ │
| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ SEAL TEAM ...........] │
SEARTH.ZIP 2913 01-16-91 Unprotect For Sim-Earth
SEASTALK.ZIP 5704 08-21-92 Solution File for Seastalker
SEC_SEGA.ZIP 37011 01-07-94 Secrets of Sega - 12/93 -- tips and tricks
| for Sega Genesis games
SEED.ZIP 23538 07-24-92 Solve for Dark Seed Game
SEGA0394.ZIP 90925 03-08-94 ***********SEGA/GENESIS TIPS************
| ***********FEBRUARY 8, 1994*************
| This is the latest text of game tips
| for the Sega/Genesis. 218 games are
| covered.
SEGACD.ZIP 6491 01-07-94 Sega CD tips and tricks
SEGACHT.ZIP 19556 12-24-93 Cheat Sheet for Misc. SEGA Games.
SEGACHT1.ZIP 18936 05-08-93 part 1 of all sectets to popular sega games
SEGACHT2.ZIP 3482 05-12-93 part 2 to all secrets to popular sega games
SEGATIP1.ZIP 4428 03-08-93 Sega Genesis Tips #1 Tiny Toons Adv., Sonic
| 2, Chubb Rock, Etc.. Codes Hints, Etc..
SEGIUK01.ZIP 9567 06-14-92 Harpoon scenario. Race for Keflavic. Req. Har
SELIST.ZIP 2160 02-24-92 Complete listing of copy protecting for
SEGA1093.ZIP 70339 09-27-93 ***********SEGA/GENESIS TIPS************
| ***********SEPTEMBER 27, 1993***********
SEPTCH.ZIP 2617 01-16-91 Unprotect For Sim Earth
SERPEND.ZIP 238909 09-03-93 Saved game for Ultima 7 serpent Isle right at
| the end
SE_DOCS.ZIP 5391 11-05-90 Simearth Docs
SF2HINT.ZIP 24432 03-28-90 Star Flight II Hints
SF2MAPV2.ZIP 3234 08-04-91 Copy Protection Codes for Starflight II By
| Elect. Arts, Replaces Map
SF2T_DOC.ZIP 14251 09-01-93 Street Fighter 2 Turbo Docs for SNES
SF2T_THG.ZIP 4498 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
| │ ├─┤│ │ ││ │ │ │ └┘ │ │
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| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ STREET FiGHTER ][ ...] │
SEGA0294.ZIP 88846 02-08-94 ***********SEGA/GENESIS TIPS************
| ***********FEBRUARY 9, 1994*************
| This is the latest text of game tips
| for the Sega/Genesis. 214 games are
| covered.
SFBAYSE.ZIP 237582 08-29-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature San Francisco Bay.
SFDC_ITU.ZIP 6691 10-29-93 Quick Documentation for SimFarm -ITU- [1/1]
SFII.ZIP 26079 02-26-90 Cheat for Star Flight II
SFLEET.UNP 306 11-23-92 Unprotect for Electronic Arts Strike Fleet
| This is the latest text of game tips
| for the Sega/Genesis. 172 games are
| covered. Uploaded by Author/Compiler.
SFTRNPTG.ZIP 5299 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
| │ │ ││ │ ││ │ │ │└┐┌┘│ │
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| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ SiMFARM .............] │
SHADOW.ZIP 1284 01-14-93 This is Yet Another Character Pilot Fir the
| Best Space Sim "X-Wing"
SHANGHI.ZIP 2055 02-24-88 Unprotect for Shanghi
SHDWDOC.ZIP 43058 10-31-93 Docs and save-game for SHADOWCASTER
SHERSOLV.ZIP 17850 10-01-92 Sherlock Holmes Solve
SHINOBI.ZIP 1267 09-08-90 Unprotect To The Game Shinobi
SICODES.ZIP 2487 09-03-93 All the codes for STUNT ISLAND
SIEGEHNT.ZIP 6029 04-26-93 Siege Hints, Downloaded Off Prodigy Game Hint
| Section, Gives Each Race Attributes
SIERRA15.ZIP 70517 07-04-90 Solves for 15 Sierra Games
SIERRA_6.ZIP 3456 01-25-88 Unprotects For 6 Sierra Games
SIG11DOC.ZIP 59251 12-21-90 Sigload Ver 1.1 Documentation & Technical
| Files
SILPHEE2.ZIP 2080 10-31-89 Unprotect Silpheed
SILPHEED.ZIP 1462 06-01-89 Silpheed unp
SIMALT.ZIP 3896 04-29-92 Add 2 billion to your Simcity city
SIMANCHT.ZIP 10263 02-02-92 Cheat for SimAnt. Restore this Save Game
SIMATV12.ZIP 136728 07-21-91 SimCity Terain Editor with Menu
SIMC-UNP.ZIP 1204 11-12-89 Unprotect Sim City By Broderbund
SIMCGRPH.ZIP 6535 11-01-90 Copy Protection Removal For Simcity With Any
| Or Both Graphic Sets Installed. This Works
SIMCHEAT.ZIP 1694 10-07-89 Give Your Sims $16million. Helpful!!
SIMCHET2.ZIP 5296 10-09-89 City for Sim City game with lots of money
SIMCITY4.ZIP 26463 09-14-93 This Sim City file has only 5 cities
SIMCLAUN.ZIP 4436 07-18-92 Sim City Launcher for Geoworks!
SIMCLR01.ZIP 31194 03-03-90 SimCity Land Clearing Utility with Directory
SIMCTYS.ZIP 34081 02-02-93 A collection of good cities for SimCity
SIMC_EDT.ZIP 31296 08-21-93 - SimCity Savegame Editor [1/1] -
SIMDOCS.ZIP 4328 01-25-90 Docs to crack Simcity
SIMDOX.ZIP 2516 04-26-93 Docs For Sim Ant
SIMEARDX.ZIP 5391 11-05-90 Cursory Dox For Simearth
SIMEARTH.ZIP 1424 02-01-91 Unprotect For Sinearth
SIMEDIT.ZIP 8495 01-01-92 SimCity Program Editor
SIMFIXES.ZIP 8433 11-01-90 These Fixes Actually Work. They Unprotect The
| Simcity.Exe Without Graphics Add-Ons & The
| Simcity.Exe With The Graphics Add-Ons.
SIMF_EDT.ZIP 13460 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
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| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ SiMFARM .............] │
SIMHELP.ZIP 5602 12-31-90 A Text File To Help You With Simcity
SIMKRAK.ZIP 1429 12-31-89 SimCity Unprotect
SIMMAP10.ZIP 266368 08-02-93 SimMap for Windows allows you to edit
| or create SimCity city files. You
| can add and change any form of water
| or trees. You can also remove
| anything including fire, fallout, etc
SIMODTDT.ZIP 7768 10-19-93 ┌──────────────────────────┐
| │....FROM THE VAULTS OF....│
| ├─────════════════════─────┤
| │ THE │
| │ ┌─┐┌──┐┐ ┌│┌┐ ┌┐┌┐ ┌┐ │
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| │ ┘ │ │ └─┤│ └──┘ │ │ │
| │ └┘ │ ││ │ │ │
| │ │ └──┘ │└────┘ │ │ │
| │ └─────────┘ BBS│ │
| │ ───────────────────────┘ │
| ├──══════════════════════──┤
| │ [ SiMON THE SORCERER ..] │
SIMPATCH.ZIP 12295 03-19-91 SimCity Unprotect
SIMPTRN0.ZIP 9762 11-22-91 Cheat for Bart Simpson's House of Wierdness
SIMTOOLS.ZIP 26291 01-24-90 SimCity unprotect and give your city $$$$$
SIMUTI.ZIP 26823 01-23-90 A series of Utils for SimCity Manipulation
SIMU_FAQ.ZIP 24541 10-20-93 Flight simulators frequently asked questions
| Downloaded from Internet
SIMV107.ZIP 1939 01-02-93 Simcity V1.07 Hex Codes To Unprotect Game
SINGESLV.ZIP 1740 11-17-91 Dragon Lair 3 : Singe Castle Solution
SISHUTT.ZIP 40202 05-01-93 Stunt Island Set: Land The Space Shuttle
SJUNP.ZIP 5528 04-17-92 Unprotect For Solitare'S Journey
SKATE.ZIP 3534 08-11-89 An Unprotect For Skate Or Die
SKIUNP.ZIP 2876 12-20-90 Unprotect For "Ski Or Die" Game
SM2CRUE.ZIP 21535 03-30-91 Wing Commander Secret Missions II unprotect
SM2DOX.ZIP 7262 04-09-91 Wing Commander Secret Missions 2 Docs &
| Codes
SM2_UNP.ZIP 2025 04-25-91 Wing Commander Secret Missions II Unprotect
SNES.ZIP 12238 09-13-92 Text file containing tips and tricks for Supe
SNESCHT.ZIP 78733 02-20-94 Ton of tips & cheats for SNES games
SODBLST2.ZIP 53107 06-21-93 21 NEW LEVELS for Spear of Destiny
SODBUTCH.ZIP 812402 02-11-93 21 new levels for Spear of Destiny. Adjunct
SODGOD.ZIP 3086 01-31-93 Spear of Destiny Cheat Sheet - God Mode, etc
SOKOBUST.ZIP 2170 05-02-89 Unprotect For Sokoban
SOLCHT.ZIP 1145 03-13-93 The Hidden Cheat Code To Solar Winds!
SOLVEM10.ZIP 517043 12-25-93 ▐▐▒▓█ SOLVE MASTER V 1.0 █▓▒▌▌
| Can't beat a game? Here it is. The Game
| Utility that is truly the best of '93. If you
| own a game. This is for you. It completely
| gives you over 100 walkthrough solves!
| text is over 4 meg of complete solves. Neatly
| done with ansi screens and all. Get it now!
| ▐▐▒▓█ SOLVE MASTER V 1.0 █▓▒▌▌
| Author: Scott E. Olsen Version: 1.0
SOLVLSL3.ZIP 4169 06-07-93 Walk through for Leisure Suit Larry #3
SORCERIA.ZIP 26976 11-30-90 Cheat and Walk Thru for Glenda Stocks
SPACEUNP.ZIP 1889 09-15-91 Unprotect For Don Bluths Spaceace Game
SPACHULK.ZIP 6344 06-06-93 Space Hulk Hints
SPANHILL.ZIP 336724 09-19-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature Spanish Hills CC
SPCEUNP1.ZIP 2068 09-29-91 Modification Of An Earlier Unprotect For
| Space Ace Which Did Not Work On Some Systems
SPEAR18.ZIP 4679 01-14-93 Spear Of Destiny Saved Game Right At The Ent
SPEARCHT.ZIP 4408 06-06-93 All Known Debug Codes for Spear of Destiny
SPELLBRE.ZIP 11277 08-21-92 Solution File for Spellbreaker
SPHULKDX.ZIP 10895 06-02-93 Docs for Space Hulk game
SPIDYCHT.ZIP 4665 11-30-90 Spider-Man Cheat File
SPIVHINT.ZIP 7315 03-26-91 A Few Hints for Sierra's Space Quest IV
SPM40.ZIP 364460 10-01-93 A must for the custom aircraft
| designer! The SWOTL Plane Manager
| v4.0 for Windows will allow you
| to modify nearly all aspects of
| your aircraft, from roll rates to
| fuel amounts, even weapons!
| (C) GekkoSoft 1993
SPMHINT.ZIP 1838 06-10-92 Hint for Spiderman on Genesis
SPP_TIP.ZIP 2511 06-05-93 Tips for Strip Poker live
SQ1.UHS 7682 03-10-90 Space Quest 1 UHS Hint File
SQ1_SOL.ZIP 5842 07-31-91 Space Quest I Solution
SQ2.UHS 8002 03-10-90 Space Quest 2 UHS Hint File
SQ2HINTS.ZIP 1957 12-03-87 Different Hints for Space Quest 2
SQ2LLL.ZIP 5863 03-15-88 Space Quest ][ and Leisure Suit Larry unp
SQ2_SOL.ZIP 5644 07-31-91 Space Quest II Solution
SQ3.UHS 7704 03-10-90 Space Quest 3 UHS Hint File
SQ3_SOL.ZIP 4259 07-31-91 Space Quest ]i[ Solution
SQ4.PTS 4507 01-01-80 A Points List For Space Quest 4
SQ4.UHS 9290 01-01-80 Hints For Space Quest 4
SQ4.ZIP 18065 07-21-92 Solution File for Space Quest 4
SQ4DEBUG.ZIP 2550 03-02-91 Space Quest 4. Get Any Item
SQ4FIX.ZIP 7112 02-28-91 Sapce Quest Iv Unprotect
SQ4GUIDE.ZIP 4242 05-20-91 A Hint Guide to the Game of Space Quest IV
SQ4HLP.ZIP 8907 03-12-91 Hint for Sq4 From Sierra BBS
SQ4HNTVD.ZIP 18616 03-12-91 Space Quest Iv -- Hint !
SQ4SOLVE.ZIP 7938 03-17-91 Space Quest Iv Problems and Hints Sheets
SQ5.ZIP 11940 03-14-93 Hint File for the New Game Space Quest V the
| Next Mutation From the Sierra BBS.
SQ5CODES.ZIP 1583 06-12-93 Codes needed for Space Quest 5
SQ5HNT.ZIP 9737 03-07-93 Space Quest V Hints From Sierra Bbs
SQ5SOLVE.ZIP 41620 02-07-93 This is the Complete Spoiler for Space Quest
| 5 game. DO NOT get this if you do not want
| to know the complete solution to win the
| game!
SQIVSOL.ZIP 8238 03-24-91 Space Quest Iv (Sq4) - Hint/Complete Solve
SR-72-WI.SIM 384 10-26-91 Another Flight Simulator Plane
SR2CHEAT.ZIP 2770 09-10-92 Increase Your Bank Roll in Street Rod II!
SRTIPS.ZIP 3752 04-01-92 Sea Rogue Hints
SS2FIXPE.ZIP 21234 08-10-90 Fix and Trainer for Silent Service V2 By
| Microprose
SS2_TEMP.ZIP 15496 11-03-91 Keyboard Templates for Silent Service II
SS2_VP.ZIP 55922 01-05-91 One Page I.D. & Keys for Silent Service II
| Put it All on Drive A:\
SSERVERR.ZIP 1970 01-01-91 Text File for "Silent Service II
| Unlimited lives! Brought 2U by Mad Max
SS_IICHT.ZIP 35032 12-16-91 Silent Service II Docs
ST25.ZIP 5085 12-28-92 Hints on Star Trek 25th Anniversary game
ST25CHT.ZIP 1813 02-14-92 Cheat for Star Trek 25 Aniv.
ST25DOX.ZIP 54474 02-07-92 Star Trek 25th Anneversary Game - Docs/Maps
ST25HELP.ZIP 7846 02-11-92 Help Text & ASCII Maps fro ST 25th Anneverar
ST25TRN0.ZIP 10021 02-14-92 Star Trek 25th Anniversary Unlimited Shields
ST25WALK.ZIP 13351 09-06-93 Walkthrough of Star Trek 25th Anniversary
ST7CHT.ZIP 4382 10-25-90 Patch for Stellar-7 Game
STARCROS.ZIP 5481 08-21-92 Solution File for Starcross
STARCUNP.ZIP 2028 07-15-90 Star Control unp
STARFLIG.ZIP 12939 03-30-87 Hints to Solve Starflight 1
STEDIT10.ZIP 57203 08-02-93 Stunts track edit v1.0 VGA/Mouse required. Fu
STELLAR7.ZIP 11756 01-05-91 Text Walk Through and Very Valuable Tips on |
| Stellar 7
STE_TRN.ZIP 1722 05-31-93 Stellar Defence TRAINER
STFLT.ZIP 12098 01-04-89 Make F19 Plane Look Real!!
STILWOOD.ZIP 280009 08-06-93 Jack nicklaus signature - stillwood cc.
STJRSLV1.ZIP 7204 12-24-93 Solve for Star Trek: Judgement Rites
| Revision #1
STONAGE.ZIP 1856 06-03-93 STONEAGE level codes. Can't get past a hard
| level? Try these password codes they will
| help you get to the next level. Free from
STONE100.ZIP 1993 08-31-92 Passwords for All 100 Levels of Stone Age
STOOGEUN.ZIP 2075 08-15-88 3 Stooges By Cinemaware Unprotect Program
STP1.ZIP 9317 03-23-93 Pack of Tracks for Stunts
STPFS411.ZIP 17973 10-10-93 FS4/A&SD: Scenery file for St. Peterburg
| (the old Leningrado), Russia. Includes
| one static, one dynamic scenery and some
| MODES. Updated release 1.1
STR2CHT.ZIP 12909 03-14-91 Street Rod II TSR Cheat
STRAT_CR.ZIP 3618 10-05-91 Stratego - Crack Codes And Docs
STRCCODS.ZIP 1353 05-28-93 answers to MOST (about 80%) of the Strike Com
STRCHELP.ZIP 3410 05-28-93 Strike Commander 1993 Technical help file.
| Covers workarounds and solutions to many
| problems above and beyond the documentation,
| especially all kinds of joystick trouble as
| well
STRCHT.ZIP 14105 08-12-93 Stronghold Money Maximizer v1.1
| by Raistlin
| :
| :
| This program will maximize any and all of
| the Baron/Baroness 's money in your saved
| game to $10,000,000. It will help you to
| build and upgrade the structures to provide
| fairer competition with the monsters.
STRIKFLT.ZIP 2856 09-15-91 Docs for "Strike Fleet" By Lucasarts
STROKA3.ZIP 304388 12-16-92 Jnse Golf Course - Par-A-Stroka Par 3
STUNTRN.ZIP 35964 12-26-90 Stunt Runner Cheat.
STUNTS40.ZIP 27765 10-16-92 The Most Awsome Tracks For Stunts
SU25UNP.ZIP 2597 02-21-91 Unprotect For Su-25 Stormovik Game From
| Electronic Arts
SUMCHFLT.ZIP 23261 09-17-92 Cheat for the Summining
SUNSETSE.ZIP 234884 06-24-93 Jack nicklaus signature - sunset valley gc
SUPERWLF.ZIP 1561 05-27-92 Super Cheat For Wolfenstein
SUSPECT.ZIP 5726 08-21-92 Solution File for Suspect
SUSPEND.ZIP 4586 08-21-92 Solution File for Suspended
SWCMIS.ZIP 6124 08-02-92 Custom Missions for Secret Weapons of the
| Luftwaffe
SWL_DOX.ZIP 13591 08-19-91 Documentation to Secret Weapons
SWOLREV.ZIP 9165 04-17-92 Revive Pilots in Secret Weapons of the Luft
SWOTL.ZIP 16764 09-07-91 Crack-Scheme And Docs For "Secret Weapons Of
| The Luftwaffe" By Lucasarts. Most
| Excellent!!
SWOTLFIX.ZIP 22115 08-27-91 Unprotect Lucasfilm Games' "Secret Weapons Of
| The Luftwaffe"
SWOTLUNP.ZIP 1591 08-22-92 Unprotect For Secret Weapons Of The Luftwafe
| Will Unprotect For All Airplanes
SWOTLWHL.ZIP 1753 02-29-92 Wheel Lookup Data for SWOTL Game
SWPLANE1.ZIP 85467 01-17-94 SWOTL Planes1: Corsair and Zero planes for
| Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
SWUNP.ZIP 88445 08-15-92 Unprotect For Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe
| Including P-38, P-80 And Do35 Tour Of Duty
| Disks
SWUTIL.ZIP 68685 04-07-92 SWOTL Group of Tools (Pilot Recovery, Etc.)
SW_SOLUT.ZIP 2949 03-15-93 A Solution the New Solar Winds From Epic
| Megagames. This Text File Will Take You step
| By Step to the End of the Game
SYNDCHT.ZIP 10178 08-27-93 A cheat file for Electronic Art's Syndicate
| game. It edits your saved games to give you 2
| billion dollars!
SYNDFIX.ZIP 1209 07-01-93 Syndicate fix
SYNDOCS.ZIP 14220 05-22-93 Syndicate docs
SYNDSV01.ZIP 4482 09-03-93 Save game for Electronic Arts/Bullfrog's
| Syndicate
SYNDSV02.ZIP 4484 09-03-93 Save Game for Electronic Arts/Bullfrog's
| Syndicate
SYNDSV03.ZIP 4473 09-03-93 Save Game for Electronic Arts/Bullfrog's
| Syndicate
SYNDSV04.ZIP 4474 09-03-93 Save Game for Electronic Arts/Bullfrog's
| Syndicate
SYNDSV05.ZIP 4500 09-03-93 Save Game for Electronic Arts/Bullfrog's
| Syndicate
SYND_GUS.ZIP 2562 06-30-93 Fix for Syndicate to use GUS
SYNTRN.ZIP 7502 05-19-93 Syndicate Money Maker - trainer
S_MSOLVE.ZIP 16338 10-02-93 Solve for Sam and Max Hit the Road
| ≡/\/\≡ RiSC COURiERiNG '93 ≡\/\/≡
T2029.MAP 5346 04-17-93 Map on How to Get Around in Terminator 2029
T2029MAP.ZIP 2869 04-17-93 Directions for Navigating Terminator 2029
T7GF3A.ZIP 314297 08-10-93 Latest fix for The Seventh Guest
T7GF3B.ZIP 68288 08-10-93 Latest, 8/20/93 fix for 7th guest. You -must
T7GFIX.ZIP 90226 05-11-93 The 7 Guest fix. For the CDROM game
T7GFIX3.ZIP 315551 07-28-93 Latest fix for 7th guest. Also get T7GF3B.ZIP
T7GHINT.ZIP 2804 06-03-93 Unlucky 13 Hints/Solves for the Seventh Gues
T7GHINTS.ZIP 35203 08-23-93 Hints For The Game The 7th Guest. Downloaded
| From Virgin Games BBS
T7GOFIX.ZIP 30395 09-01-93 The Official 7th Guest
| ────── FIX ────┐
| for the Gravis └─────┘
| ────────┐ Ultrasound!
| └────────────┐
| │ Put Together By: │
| │ Zodiac │
| │ & DeathStalker │
| └────────────────────┘
| Fixes the Lockups!
T7G_HINT.ZIP 10094 06-12-93 T7G_HINT.ZIP Various hints from the Virgin
| Games BBS for puzzles in The Seventh Guest
| CD ROM Game
T7G_SOL.ZIP 23237 06-07-93 All the Puzzle Solutions for 7th Guest!
T7G_TIP1.ZIP 12948 10-30-93 Game hints for The Seventh Guest
TALKDOWN.ZIP 37334 10-01-92 Fs4 Simulation Of A Surviellance Radar Approa
TC2_TRN.ZIP 2547 02-21-92 Trainer for "Tennis Cup 2"
TD2EDIT.ZIP 10249 05-20-89 Edit the Cars in Td2
TD3CHEAT.ZIP 15769 10-14-90 Cheat feature for Test Drive III
TD3DOCS.ZIP 2621 10-12-90 Test Drive ]I[ dox
TD3NEW.ZIP 17802 11-30-90 Copy Protection removal for Test Drive III
TDALL.ZIP 2208 07-15-88 Unp for all Test Drives
TDRIVE.ZIP 1842 12-13-87 Unprotect For Test Drive
TEKVILL.ZIP 231546 08-20-93 The Village Golf Course Jnse. Jack Nicklaus.
TERAFORM.DAT 27248 09-22-91 SimCity Terraformer 1 of 3
TERAFORM.EXE 56264 02-11-92 SimCity Terraformer 2 of 3
TERAFORM.ZIP 136728 07-21-91 SimCity Terraformer 3 of 3
TERM2T.ZIP 7906 05-20-93 Terminator II Cheat
TERREDIT.ZIP 28059 08-21-93 STUNTS Terrain Editor [Recent] -This allows
| you to edit any track's terrain and create
| your own.
TERR_WCA.ZIP 3450 08-31-93 Docs for Wing Commander: Academy
TFRMSMCT.ZIP 136728 07-21-91 SimCity Terraformer Program
THEVIC.ZIP 307474 12-16-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature - The Victorian
THINGPI.ZIP 187315 06-06-93 Extra pictures for Thieves & Kings v1∙2∙ Last
TIMCODES.ZIP 17481 06-16-93 Access codes for Sierra's "The Incredible
| Machine"
TIMEDOC.ZIP 1582 08-07-91 Needed Doc to Play Timequest By Activision
TIMESOL.ZIP 4109 01-25-91 Walk Through for Dragon Lair 2
TIMWALK.ZIP 21009 05-14-93 The Incredible Machine Walk Thru
TIPSSNES.ZIP 2887 05-20-93 Starfox. Marioworld. And more what else could
| you SNES fans ask for!
TMNTCHE.ZIP 3082 05-30-90 Cheat for Teenagemutantninjaturtles Game
TMNTCODE.ZIP 3346 10-05-91 Copy Protection Code Sheet for the 1990 Game
| Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
TMNT_UNP.ZIP 2977 08-26-90 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles unp
TN081393.ZIP 21806 07-20-93 10 Recorded games from Troon North for Links3
TOMCTDOX.ZIP 3934 04-09-91 F-14 Tomcat Quick Docs (Ansi) & Trainer.
TOPLIB1.ZIP 11722 02-15-91 Top(Tired Of Protection) Unprotect Library
TOPLIB12.ZIP 15602 03-19-91 Take Off Protection Library
TOPLIB50.ZIP 99841 06-01-93 -TOP- Unprotect Library Issue #5
| Now includes a full 184 Unprotects
| -TOP- is Tired of Protection
TOR1C.ZIP 284162 10-28-93 Official patch for Digital Integration's
| "Tornado" flight sim. Fixes several items,
| including some joystick problems, and
| downgrades SAM lethality.
TORNAD_P.ZIP 5973 06-25-93 Patch for Spectrum Holobyte's Tornado Instal
TP081293.ZIP 22880 08-07-93 10 recorded games from Torrey Pines for Links
TRAFFIC.ZIP 7992 03-23-91 Upgrade to Ryan City for Sim City. City is
| Doing Fine Except for One Thing, Traffic!!!
| Can You Fix the Traffic Problem? You Can Try!
TRAINDOX.ZIP 54060 06-03-92 A-Train Complete Docs [Razor]
TREKCODE.ZIP 3860 12-04-89 Doc Codes for Star Trek 5
TRK.ZIP 49573 08-13-93 additional tracks for the STUNTS driving
| game
TRNRAMS.ZIP 13242 02-13-94 Terminator : Rampage V1.00
| Network Trainers
TROK_UNP.ZIP 1999 04-06-91 Unprotect For Troika
TROON2.ZIP 12951 11-21-92 Yes...The Last Installment, But Oh So Challen
TRSILTFT.ZIP 32463 10-13-93 Lethal Tender Trainer
TRSI_OCT.ZIP 27303 11-14-93 ________________ /\___________
| \ ____ \/ _________/ TRiSTAR
| \/ \/ _ _/\____ \/ \ RED SECTOR!
| /RtX! \ | \_ | \ \----------+
| \ ____/___|__ /_____ / ____/ PRESENTS!
| +--\/-----------\/------\/\/---------------+
| OSCAR - [+28] TRAiNER
TRTRNPTG.ZIP 6875 11-16-93 .____:____________________:_________:______.
| ::. .:\ ______ \__ :| ____/:. .::
| :. . \/: __/ /: .| \ : \ . .:
| . / / . | /________|_ . \S!\ .
| -\/---/_______|-/---------:-\________\---\/-
| <==============[ +5 OPTIONS ]==============>
TRZCTINC.ZIP 10836 05-27-92 Cheat for the Game: Four Crystals of Trazere
TR_DUN2.ZIP 11327 05-02-93 Trainer for Dune 2
| very good - this one has it all!
TSCRYPTO.ZIP 42611 08-31-92 Cryptogram puzzle solving aid, very useful fo
TSNCHEAT.ZIP 20506 06-11-93 TSN Heal and Pump Cheat Needs Version 2.0
TUMWATER.ZIP 213542 08-23-93 Jack nicklaus signature - tumwater valley cc.
TVCHARED.ZIP 49122 01-23-93 Character Editor for the Dark Savant
TVSUNP.ZIP 3883 08-03-92 T.V. Sports Basketball Unprotect
TWBIBL11.ZIP 37770 10-07-93 ██████████ █ ██ ███ The TradeWars 2002 _
| _ ▐█▌ ▄▄ ▄▄█ ▐█▌ ▄█ _
| _ ██ ▐█▌ ██▌ ██ ███▀ Bible v1.1 _
| _▐█▌ ██ ▐██ ▐█▌ ▄█ _
| _██ ▐█████████ ███▀ By Psycho! _
TWMAPS.ZIP 7444 04-13-90 A Map of Trade Wars
TWTC20.ZIP 26480 07-17-92 Trade Wars Treasury Calculator - A TW2002 Pla
U6CHEAT.ZIP 5102 08-17-91 Ultima Vi Cheating Information
U6_MAP.ZIP 210478 01-30-94 Maps for Origin's Ultima 6
U72CHT.ZIP 26428 04-11-93 Ultima 7 Part II - Cheat Menu & Secrets
U7CHEA.ZIP 16232 06-05-92 Ultima 7 Cheat Key Enabler Program. Written
| By Rick Maruottolo. Also Gives You List of
| 1023 Items You Can Create Using Cheat Menu
U7CHEAT.ZIP 35639 06-09-92 Ultima Vii Cheat System Revealed. Use the
| Special Password to Enable the Cheat
| System. Does Not Modify Any Files. Includes
| List of Items, Spells, and Npcs. Tells How
| to Activate "Stats/Eggs" Mode. Can Undo the
| Effects of U7cheat.Exe So That You Can Use
| All the Cheat Keys and "Eggs" Mode
U7DEPROT.ZIP 6901 07-12-92 Ultima 7 Deprotect
U7DOCS.ZIP 50896 04-26-92 Complete Docs & Cheat for Protect in Ultima
U7HELP.ZIP 10620 09-05-93 Ultima 7 hints part 1 of a new type of solve
| better than Origin's hintbook!
U7P2HNTS.ZIP 29690 04-20-93 Solve for Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle 1993
| Origin Systems.
U7PATCH.ZIP 8736 06-19-92 Origin's Fix for Ultima 7 Key Bug
U7PT2.ZIP 69781 05-22-93 Ultima 7 Part II *Complete* Walk Through
UAE-A3.ZIP 26909 07-10-93 FS4 Aircraft: Airbus A310 in Emirates Air C.
UEDIT1.ZIP 30595 04-15-90 Ultima 6 Character Editor
UGCS_SW.ZIP 64163 05-27-93 UGCS_SW.ZIP UGCS:Game cheating for any game
| The shareware version of UGCS contains a
| hex file editor that allows searching and
| editing(in several formats). The registered
| version includes a complex auto-scanner
| which allows even non-programmers to create
| their own game cheaters for any game!
| From MicroGenesis Software.
UGE10.ZIP 135070 11-07-93 Universal Game Editor v1.0. Change many
| aspects of your favorite games. Allows
| you to edit almost any game that lets you
| save your game. Comes with MODULES for
| Civilization, Betrayal at Krondor, Master
| of Orion and Lands of Lore. Link-in
| other MODULES or create your own.
UHSDOS.ZIP 119752 10-10-93 Universal Hint System for DOS - UHS hint file
UHSFILE2.ZIP 275973 08-15-93 UHS hint file for games M-Z.
UHS_SQ3.ZIP 11248 07-02-89 Hints on How to Solve Space Quest III From
ULT5HNT.ZIP 35283 05-11-93 Walkthru for Ultima V
ULT5SOLV.ZIP 4984 07-19-88 Soloution to Ultima IV
ULT6-DOX.ZIP 11140 03-26-90 Ultima 6 documentation
ULT6ALT.ZIP 5499 05-27-90 Alt 214 codes for Ultima 6
ULT6EDIT.ZIP 12777 03-28-90 Editor for Ultima 6
ULT6HINT.ZIP 6449 04-12-90 Ultima 6 hints
ULT6SOL.ZIP 11312 10-05-90 Ultima 6 solve
ULT7QPAT.ZIP 7652 04-16-92 Quick Patch for Copy Protection on Ultima 7
ULTIMA6.ZIP 4241 12-03-90 Helpful hints/cheats for Ultima 6
ULTIMA6H.ZIP 4241 12-03-90 Ultima 6 help
ULTIMA7.ZIP 11395 01-30-94 Walkthrough for ultima 7
UNIVITED.ZIP 2637 08-11-92 Hints for Uninvited
UNP4.ZIP 11002 04-07-89 Unprotect 20+ Games. Text File
UNPBLACK.ZIP 3895 07-06-86 Unprotect Black Cauldron By Sierra
UNPRO.DOC 8616 01-26-92 Lexicross Unprotect
UNPROCT3.ZIP 85703 05-10-87 Various Unprotects #3
UNPROGRP.ZIP 95757 05-19-87 Large Collection of Unprotects for programs
UNPROT4.ZIP 125473 01-22-86 Various Unprotects #4
USMORTAL.ZIP 22031 11-29-93 Moves and secrets for Mortal Kombat
UUREAD1.ZIP 20377 07-02-93 UURead, a Ultimate Universe
| Utility. UURead reads the
| Device.doc file and searchs by
| keyword or device #.
UUSTART3.ZIP 11522 09-05-93 UUSTART3 Advanced Ultimate Universe
| info on how to Search for and destroy
| Cabal. by the master player:
| Andrue Carr
UW2CHEAT.ZIP 4239 01-23-93 Ultima Underworld II Trainer
| Cheat Program
UW2CHT_S.ZIP 4935 01-06-93 Ultima Underworld Spells & Cheats
UW2EDV1.ZIP 87248 11-10-93 ██▓▓▒▒░░ UltimaEdit v1.0 ░░▒▒▓▓██
| The Best Ultima Underworld II editor!
| ***Polymodular Techno-Soft release***
| Newly designed graphical interface
| for making easy changes to character.
| Automatically backs up original
| player.dat file for protection. Can
| restore original values after many
| changes have been made. Written in
| C++ using the ObjectEase library.
UW2PATCH.ZIP 673995 09-14-93 Fix file for Ultima Underworld 2. Fixes the
| King and servants dispute and the trouble
| with graphics with a VL-Bus system
UW2SOLVE.ZIP 7486 01-13-93 Ultima Underworld 2 Solution (Ascii Text)
UWEDITOR.ZIP 43380 06-16-92 Editor for Ultima Underworld: Stygian Abyss
VAXFIX.ZIP 10380 11-15-91 Unprotect For The Vaxine Game (Which Is, By
| The Way, A Very Good Game)
VCRBARON.ZIP 13705 06-07-93 Here is a set of specail files called vcr fil
VETTETXT.ZIP 1655 01-03-93 Vette! codes and some game keys
VID1093.ZIP 30881 10-14-93 Frequently Asked Questions about video-games
| plus tips and tricks for SNES, GENESIS, GB,
| DUO, etc.
VIDCHT.ZIP 65675 03-06-94 Definitive Arcade VideoGame Cheat Sheet
| Cheats for Different Games
VIKCODES.ZIP 1347 07-20-93 Codes for all 37 levels of The Lost Vikings
| Interplay!
VIRGNBBS.ZIP 97040 09-14-93 Listing of game updates/fixes from Virgin
| Games and Westwood BBS (714)833-3305
| (909)694-0165 (909)694-1378 (702)368-2319
W1HIDDEN.ZIP 30725 05-22-92 Wolfenstein 3D Hints for Secret Rooms/Points
W2CHEAT.ZIP 5977 09-02-91 Wing Commander II Cheat
| Gorier graphics than the original. Make
| guards heads explode when shooting them!
| Make dogs lose a gallon of blood from a
| massive head-wound. AWESOME!
W3DSMILE.ZIP 329817 12-26-92 Smiley face graphics for WOLF3D
W3DSOD.ZIP 17205 02-10-94 A succinct FAQ about Wolf-3D and SOD
WADTLS.ZIP 27759 01-18-94 Freeware program to view the contents of
| DOOM's library file. View each resource as a
| hex dump, or as a standard VGA picture. 86
WARLRDOX.ZIP 2746 01-29-91 Documents for Warlord
WAXFXOFG.ZIP 3917 10-27-92 Unprotect For Waxworks
WC2ACCDX.ZIP 29166 09-03-91 Docs for Speech Disks for Wing Commander II
WC2SO1CT.ZIP 5476 12-19-91 Wing Commander II So1 Cheat
WCAMIS.ZIP 7783 09-04-93 8 missions for Wing Commander Academy. Rename
| the files
WCAMISS.ZIP 1819 08-28-93 Mission For the new Wing Commander Academy
WCAMISS1.ZIP 5877 10-12-93 Custom missions for Wing Commander Academy
WCAMISS2.ZIP 1831 08-28-93 Another WCA mission, Called Wing Commander go
WCAMISSN.ZIP 4943 08-31-93 Sample missions for Wing Comm Acadamy direct
WCATRN.ZIP 86205 08-30-93 ▄
| ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▐██ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
| ██▀█ ██▀█ ██▀▄ ██▀▄ ▀ ██▀▄ ██▀█ ██ ██▀█
| ██ ▀ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██ ▄ ██▄▄
| ██ ▄ ██▀█ ██▀▄ ██ █ ██ ██ █ ██▀█ ██ █ ▄▄ █
| ██▄█ ██ █ ██ █ ██▄▀ ██ ██ █ ██ █ ██▄█ ██▄█
| ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▓█ ▄▄▄▄▄trained▄▄▄▄▄▄
| ▀ [+9] TRAiNER ▓▒ WiNG COMMANDER ▀
| █ -AND- ▒░ ACADEMY █
| ▄ GUN EDiTOR o8/3o/93 ▄
| ▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀
WCCODE.ZIP 1725 06-25-91 Wing Commander Unprotect Codes 1991
WCDESTRY.ZIP 152178 08-19-91 Wing Commander Cheat
WCEDITOR.ZIP 35677 04-13-91 Edit the Shields on the Fighters in Wing
| Commander and the Secret Missions 2
WCFIX2.ZIP 1931 03-29-91 Wing commander Cheat File
WCHINT.ZIP 2979 04-18-91 Wing Commander Advanced Hints
WCMAP.ZIP 2300 04-18-91 Wing Commander Game Path Map
WCSM2CT.ZIP 27371 09-27-91 Wing Commander Secret Missions II Cheat,
| Trainer and Reference
WCTELPRT.ZIP 2516 09-06-91 Want to Know How to Teleport in Wing Comm II
WC_CHEAT.ZIP 8422 02-05-91 Cheat Program for Wing Commander Can Use With
| Other Breaks. Very Good Cheater Allows
| Unlimited Missles,rapid Fire Lasers Bring
| Others Back From the Dead
WC_UNP.ZIP 1990 04-23-91 Unprotect For Wing Commander.
WELL2UNP.ZIP 1685 12-15-91 Unprotect Both Versions Of 1989 Game Welltris
| From Spectrum Holobyte.
WGAMEUNP.ZIP 1633 02-12-93 Winter Games Unprotect
WGH2CDOX.ZIP 23719 12-09-90 Complete Docs to Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2
WGH3TDT.ZIP 3320 03-13-93 Quick Reference Sheet For Wayne Gretzky Hocke
WGHDOC.ZIP 2752 01-03-90 Wayne G Hockey Dox
WGLSE.ZIP 273100 10-25-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Waubeeka Golf Links
WILLHNTS.ZIP 27084 10-02-91 Adventures of Willy Beamish Hints
WILLOAKS.ZIP 147502 12-26-92 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Willow Oaks CC
WILLYBEM.ZIP 5115 08-11-92 Solution for Willy Beamish
WINDOOM.ZIP 1953 12-18-93 Text file to explain how to run DOOM under
| Windows
WINGDOC.ZIP 1917 10-08-91 Doc for Wing Commander II
WINGFIX2.ZIP 1931 03-29-91 A New Cheat for Wing Commander From Origin
WINGSM2.ZIP 1301 05-15-94 Wing Commanders Secret Mission 2 Unprotect
WINGTACT.ZIP 2553 03-12-91 Tactics for Wing Commander. Very Helpful
WINGUNP.ZIP 1419 05-07-91 Concise Unprotect For Wing Commander Using
| Norton Or Any Other Sector Editor
WING_T.ZIP 10785 11-30-90 Cheat for Wing Commander
WING_UNP.ZIP 1497 04-02-93 The Unprotect files for wing Commander
WITNESS.ZIP 3666 08-21-92 Solution File for Witness
WIZ7EDIT.ZIP 73881 11-03-92 Character Editor For Wizardry VII
WIZ7HELP.ZIP 269326 12-11-92 Hints and Tips and Editors for Dark Savant
WIZCHEAT.ZIP 19141 05-19-93 Great Character Editor For Wizardry: Crusade
WLANDSLV.ZIP 16655 09-01-91 Solve for Wasteland Adventure Game.
WLF3D.ZIP 3495 10-14-92 Wolfenstein 3D Cheat Codes
WLF60.ZIP 226281 07-23-93 For Wolfenstein freaks! Packaged levels, tips
WLFMAPH1.ZIP 13061 07-15-92 Wolfenstein 3-D Level 1 Maps in WP5.1 format
WLFMAPH2.ZIP 10622 09-09-92 Wolfenstein 3-D Level 2 Maps in WP5.1 format
WLFMAPH3.ZIP 9012 09-09-92 Wolfenstein 3-D Level 3 Maps in WP5.1 format
WLFMAPH4.ZIP 10232 09-09-92 Wolfenstein 3-D Level 4 maps in WP5.1 format
WLFMAPH5.ZIP 8792 09-11-92 Wolfenstein 3-D level 5 maps in WP5.1 format
WLFMAPH6.ZIP 13539 09-09-92 Wolfenstein 3-D Level 6 maps in WP5.1 format
WLFMP1.ZIP 34578 07-30-93 14 new boards for Woflenstein 3D. The
| registered 6 game version
WM50.ZIP 39768 05-07-93 Spear of Destiny AND Wolfenstein Map Editor
| This is a limited version. Please register.
WMAP.ZIP 19208 05-17-92 Mapmaker for wolfenstein3d. GOOD! Lets you kn
WMAP30.ZIP 16957 05-18-92 Map Every Level of a Wolfenstein Game!
WNUHS.ZIP 142000 08-19-93 Universal Hints for Windows v2.1. Includes
| hints for several popular Lucas Arts games
WOLF1.ZIP 28525 05-20-92 Castle Wolfenstein (3d) Maps To All Levels
WOLF1A.ZIP 22640 12-15-92 Freeware: Add on ten extra levels to castle W
WOLF1CH2.ZIP 10007 06-06-92 Updated Wolf1cht Program for Castle Wolfenst
WOLF1CH3.ZIP 10931 01-06-93 Updated Wolfenstein Cheat (includes v1.4)
WOLF2CRK.ZIP 128593 10-13-92 Doc Check Fix for Spear of Destiny
WOLF2GAM.ZIP 90261 09-07-92 Extract Files into your wolf directory for 2
WOLFCHT.ZIP 1530 05-06-92 Wolfenstein 3-D God mode. Run this before sta
WOLFDEBG.ZIP 3500 05-27-92 Wolfenstein3D Debugger Program
WOLFED10.ZIP 48372 05-18-92 Graphics Editor for Wolfenstein 3D
WOLFEN60.ZIP 225932 07-23-93 60 new levels for registered Wolfenstein 3-D
WOLFM160.ZIP 94264 10-20-92 Two hard levels to wolf
WOLFMTRN.ZIP 4553 06-17-92 Trainer/Cheat For The Full Registered
| Version.
WOLFNEW.ZIP 17748 05-23-92 New Maps for Wolfenstein 3D
WOLFROOM.ZIP 4758 09-05-93 Text File of all hidden rooms in Wolfenstein
WOLFSCR.ZIP 138535 09-08-93 Wolf 3d bosses as animated screen saver
WOLFV1.ZIP 20744 12-05-92 10 New Levels For Use With The Original Wolfe
WOLFX.ZIP 3619 07-24-92 Text File Of All Debug Codes For Wolfenstein
WOLF_ED2.ZIP 48372 05-18-92 Edit images in shareware ver. of WOLF3D
WOLF_TRN.ZIP 12064 06-16-92 Castle Wolfenstein Training Mode
WON_GORY.ZIP 770609 08-02-93 Nasty, bloody, GORY GRAPHICS for Wolfenstein
WPCHARS.ZIP 18392 12-07-92 Wordperfect complete ASCII character code set
WRATH.ZIP 5247 09-03-91 The Entire List of Codes for Wrath of the
| Demon.
WRA_COXD.ZIP 146083 10-03-92 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ░░▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓ -= W R A =- ▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░ │
| └──────────────────────────────────────┘
| COMPLETE docs for Might and Magic: The
| Clouds of Xeen - Scanned and OCR'ed...
| Includes map of first town (from the
| manual), and cover page...
| - = W R A = -
WRDRMSLV.ZIP 3603 12-25-90 Wierd Dreams Solve
X-29.ZIP 26260 08-26-93 FS4/AAF X-29 forward swept wing aircraft
| with canards. Keys: FS4 AAF AIRCRAFT X-29
X-WTRAIN.ZIP 13485 02-26-93 LucaFilms Trainer for X-Wing
XARGOCHT.ZIP 12259 01-09-94 This makes you invincible in the game Xargon
XCHEAT2.ZIP 11224 02-26-93 UPDATED Working Cheat for all Missions of
| X-Wing.... CHEAT!
XCONTROL.ZIP 2347 04-24-93 X-Wing Fighter Control Chart
XDK12.ZIP 59557 05-05-93 X-Wing Mission Development Kit v1.2
XEDIT.ZIP 9511 03-22-93 X-Wing Utility, Modify Pilots, More
XEDITOR.ZIP 8765 04-24-93 A program to edit X-wing pilots. Award battle
| patches, medals, rank, etc. Version 1. Only
| program like it!
XEEN_ED.ZIP 9920 06-13-93 Increase Gold & Gems in the Darkside of Xeen
XEVHINT.ZIP 4899 04-16-92 Xevious ARCade Game Hints
XIP11A.ZIP 8155 10-26-93 X-wing/Imperial Pursuit Unprotect
| This one is only for Imperial Pursuit
| with Missile Lock Patch applied (v1.1a)
XMANAGE.ZIP 57072 05-10-93 X-Ship Utility for X-WING v1.1
XMANAGE3.ZIP 66301 08-07-93 New X-Wing Manager for "Imperial Pursuit"
XMANAGE4.ZIP 66553 09-05-93 X-Manager Utility for X-Wing
| v4.0
| For use with version 1.1a of X-Wing
XMENUNP.ZIP 3522 11-09-90 Unprotect For X-Men: Madness In Murderworld.
XP113.ZIP 109458 11-30-93 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ X-Wing Pro V1.13 ║
| ╟───────────────────────────────────────╢
| ║ The Ultimate XWING editor, Edits: ║
| ║ Pilot Files, Ships, Missions, & More. ║
| ║ Supports Tours 1-5, and V1.0 - V1.1a ║
| ║ of XWING. Now Supports the NEW BWING ║
| ║ add on Pack and TOUR 5! Also a TSR to ║
| ║ revive pilots from inside XWING. ║
| ║ NEW: A VGA/EGA Graphic Mission Editor ║
| ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝
XPLANETS.ZIP 5002 04-19-93 X-Wing editor. Change the appearance of the
| Death Star. Forest moon, desert wasteland,
| icy tundra. Even blue skies. IMPORTANT: Read
| the README file to see how to
| install/uninstall.
XPLT10.ZIP 61694 05-12-93 ────────────────────────────────────────────
| XW-PLT 1.0 allows you to edit all aspects of
| X-wing pilot files, including rank, skill,
| medals, victories, etc. Generate summaries
| for pilots. User-friendly Turbo-Vision
| interface for painless editing.
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
XRP_7B.ZIP 3808 01-24-88 Plane for Yeagers AFS
XWCHEAT.ZIP 10579 02-25-93 Cheat for X-Wing.
XWCLONE.ZIP 3036 08-06-93 Clones your X-Wing pilots so you don't have
| fly with unknowns and rookies anymore. Easy
| and quick to use.
XWINGCHT.ZIP 44225 08-26-93 Top Ace - Allows you to Play Any Level X-Win
XWINGCRK.ZIP 208151 02-15-93 X-Wing Cracked file
| after installing the game overlay with this
| file in your X-Wing directory. ENJOY!
XWINGDK.ZIP 60018 05-06-93 X-wing Mission Design Kit v1.2. Design and
| construct X-wing missions. All aspects of th
| mission are included: ships, space objects
| a the mission briefing.
XWINGDOC.ZIP 2440 09-03-93 Doc's for the game X-WING
XWINGFIX.ZIP 219446 07-05-93 Crack for X-Wing & Imperial Pursuit Add-on
XWINGKB.ZIP 9566 05-17-93 Finally! All X-WING keyboard functions in TEX
XWINGPLT.ZIP 4871 09-15-93 Top Ace Pilots To help you in X-Wing.
XWINGTRN.ZIP 13485 02-26-93 Great Trainer for X-Wing
XWINGTSR.ZIP 55665 10-14-93 X-Wing TSR is a program that allows you to
| save and restore pilots from within the
| X-Wing game with a couple keystrokes! No more
| rank/score penalties!
XWNG_PAT.ZIP 29531 04-19-93 Patch For X-Wing Sounds
XWOFFSET.ZIP 2353 03-25-93 X-wing pilot file offsets for those who wish
XWPILOTS.ZIP 1825 03-25-93 X-Wing Pilots for Those Who Wish to Play the
| Death Star Mission. One Pilot Has the Rank
| of General With Full Honors
XWR11.ZIP 11854 03-23-93 X-Wing Resurrector V1.1. Revives Dead Pilots
| Without Any Loss of Tod Scores and Ranks.
XWTIP.ZIP 17070 03-12-93 Tips, hints for X-WING. Includes a General!
XWTIPS.ZIP 17071 05-17-93 General tips for playing XWING as well as
| specific tips for getting through the tough
| missions. It also contains a TOPACE pilot
| which can be used to view CUTSCENES and play
| TOD missions as
X_WTRAIN.ZIP 11016 01-04-80 A Trainer For X-Wing By Lucasarts
YEAGER.ZIP 5600 04-05-93 Several Unprotects For Chuck Yeager
YOURWO.ZIP 140248 06-03-93 A course for j∙n∙ Signature ed∙ By pi∙ Last r
Z66CHT.ZIP 6284 03-14-93 ZONE 66 CHEAT PROGRAM
| Give your Bomber lots of energy,
| payload, etc.
ZAK.UHS 22528 02-03-91 Zak McKracken UHS Hint File
ZAKCODES.ZIP 7807 08-25-88 Zak Mckraken By Lucasfilm Codes
ZAP111.ZIP 31203 10-23-92 Cheat On Several Games, Including Wolf3d 1.0,
| Commander Keen Parts 1 And 4, Keen Dreams,
| Simcity, Street Rods 1 And 2, Secret Agent,
| Crystal Caves, And Cosmo!
ZAPCOMIC.ZIP 1840 08-15-88 Adds Some Great Stuff For Use In Comic Game
ZELDA.ZIP 12035 09-10-93 Five files written for Zelda 3: A Link to the
| Past for the SNES. Includes: Light world
| guide; Dark world guide; Heart piece
| checklist; "boss" help; and Q&A.
ZELDOX.ZIP 4359 01-03-91 Some Helpful Docs for Zeliard
ZELTRNR2.ZIP 3192 01-10-91 Cheat #2 for Zeliard
ZGOLFFIX.ZIP 9310 05-04-89 Zanny Golf Fix
ZIEGJETS.ZIP 3338 10-28-89 Flight Simulator - 4 Ziegler jets
ZIPPOLIC.ZIP 6195 04-25-91 Ution to Police Quest II
ZORK3.ZIP 5742 08-21-92 Solution File for Zork 3
ZORKEND.ZIP 41559 10-19-93 Return to Zork ending
ZORKSAVE.ZIP 41219 11-04-93 Saved game at the very end for Return to
| Zork. Tells what to do when you get there and
| | everything.
ZORK_KIT.ZIP 39168 11-12-93 ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ ░░ Solve kit with maps and walk- ░░ ║
| ║ ░░ throughs for RETURN TO ZORK ░░ ║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝
ZUGCHFLT.ZIP 31145 09-14-92 Cheat for Zug's Race for Space
ZZT_QUES.ZIP 14943 04-18-93 Add-on module for Epic Megagame's $ZZT.ZIP
_T7G_SVE.ZIP 4987 08-10-93 Saved games from 7th Guest
__ZAP200.ZIP 32019 03-26-93 Now you can ░▒▓█ CHEAT █▓▒░ in Major
| Stryker, Catacomb Abyss, Cosmo, Wolf3D 1.0,
| Commander Keen 1, Commander Keen 4, Keen
| Dreams, Secret Agent, Crystal Caves, Sim
| City, Street Rods 1, and Street Rods 2!